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Friday, May 1, 2015

Stale Water

I had this glass of water that I poured to drink before starting my fast. I put it on the table and for whatever reason, I ended up forgetting about it until that following day when I began my fast. I noticed that the glass was half full and I felt a way because I hadn’t finished it in time. Normally I would have poured it out because it would have a stale taste from sitting out, yet I kept it there because I felt an unction from the Holy Spirit to leave it sitting there. I would glance at the cup every time I came into the kitchen area.

That water represented a refreshing, it represented the Holy Spirit and although my intent was initially to drink that glass of water, I forgot about it and it became stale. It became a dead monument and failure. Wanting a spiritual refreshing and wanting the Holy Spirit is good. That cup that the water was poured into also represented me/us as vessels for the pouring into, but it was never meant to stay there. It was meant to be poured out for consumption. Heir of the most High God, are you looking for a refreshing from the Holy Spirit, but forgetting to actually consume it? Are you the vessel that is being poured into but not pouring out for consumption?

Lastly a vessel is made to hold something so that it can be consumed. That glass was only meant to hold the water long enough for me to drink it. When it isn’t consumed in a certain amount of time, it is made stale and basically dead. If you leave something out in a vessel to long and don’t preserve it what happens? Mold, fungus and other bacteria is what happens! Not only is what was put in the vessel changed but so is the vessel as well. They both become stale, stagnate moldy death. Every time I came into the kitchen area and looked at the glass, I was staring at a monument of death. Do you see that with your churches, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? What about in you? The Holy Spirit continued to open my eyes showing me more revelation. My walking past the glass of stale water glancing and doing nothing about it showed contentment in the stagnation. Are we staring at monuments of death on Wednesday bible study and Sunday service? Have we become the living dead? Are we now serving in million dollar caskets aka church buildings? We are having funeral service every time we come to the house if the Holy Spirit isn’t there! The water stayed there for those 3 days that I fasted and this revelation wasn’t made alive to me, until the third and final day of my fasting. Does that sound familiar anyone? There is just no way that we can get passed Jesus redemptive work! In my closing ask yourself, are you stale?






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