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Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Hebrews (Ibri/Ivri) have always been a people of inheritance. This started all the way back from when our father Abraham (he was still Abram at that time) was given the promise in Bereshith/Genesis chapter 12 and then the covenant in Bereshith (Genesis) 15:7-10. Further down in chapter 15:12-14, Abram had a nightmare while watching over the covenantal sacrifices and was told what would happen to his children (Hebrews/Negroes). He spoke of the 400 year affliction, serving in a land that was not ours and how when it is all said and done we will leave here with “great possessions.” The 430 yrs spoken of in Exodus 12:40 leaves out the name Canaan and just says Egypt from the Masoretic text (which is not original Hebrew) purposely. Yah is always exact. In Acts 7:6, Stephen spoke of the 400 yr affliction that hadn’t happened yet and Shaul (Saul/Paul) spoke of the 430 yrs from the promise of Abraham until Israel left Egypt. Abraham was in Canaan when he was given the covenant/promise. From the age of 75 when  Abram left his family and homeland until all of Yisrael (Ya’aqob and his family/ 70 people) entered Mitsrayim/Egypt was 215 years (Abram was in Canaan 25 yrs when Yitshaq/Issac was born, Yitshaq was in Canaan 60 yrs when Ya’aqob was born and Ya’aqob was in Canaan 130 yrs before he moved to Egypt after Yoseph sent for him. 25+60+130= 215 yrs. From Yoseph’s age of 39 when Yisrael all entered Mitsrayim/Egypt until all Yisrael left Mitsrayim/Egypt was 215 years. From Yoseph’s age of 39 when his family arrived in Egypt until he died was 71 yrs. From the time Yoseph died until Mosheh/Moses was born was 64 yrs. From the birth of Mosheh to the Exodus was 80 yrs. 71+64+80= 215 years. 215 years in Canaan and 215 years in Egypt equals 430 years! What does this mean? At the minimum Yisrael would have been enslaved for 80 yrs and at a maximum 144 yrs, so those saying that prophecy was fulfilled is FALSE! For those saying that even though Yah clearly stated 400 yrs of affliction that it was just an estimate and that 430 yrs is what He meant is also FALSE! Lucy, you have some explaining to do (in my Ricky Ricardo voice). In Debarim/Deuteronomy 28:49 one of the curses put upon us was that Yah “would bring a nation against us from afar, from the end of the earth (the west) as swift as the EAGLE flies, a nation whose language you shall not understand.” That prophecy couldn’t have been fulfilled then because they understood the language, nor was it fulfilled with the Khazarian imposters in Israel today because they also understood the language of the German. 400 years will be up August 20, 2019 based on August 20, 1619 when the first slaves were brought in onto Louisiana soil.

In Genesis 15:18 Yah then told Abram that he was giving the land to Abram’s seed. Abram was to inherit the land to leave it as an inheritance for his seed. Abram was not going to actually enjoy any of the inheritance that he was inheriting to give over to his seed. Neither one of our patriarchal fathers (Abraham, Yitshaq, or Ya’aqob) ever got to enjoy the land. The purpose for the land being inherited by Abraham was to leave for his descendants. Even in Abraham’s name his character is fully representative of what he was meant to do. Abraham means exalted/high father and a good father always leaves an inheritance for his seed. We Hebrews have always left inheritance to our seed following in Abraham’s footsteps until we got into this second Mitsrayim/Egypt (and final) captivity. Hebrews went from leaving a legacy/inheritance to leaving debt or nothing at all. We have built this nation like all the other ones we were captives in, but what do we have to show for it. We don’t even leave knowledge of our history or the works that our ancestors in this country has done as a legacy/inheritance. Our people don’t know that when they use a tablet, computer, stop light, mailbox, get a blood transfusion, open heart surgery or many of the various things they use on a daily basis that the origin of that was from a Hebrew mind and Hebrew hands. Our people are the number one consumer in the world but have no inheritance to leave their seed. Our women are the number one consumer of beauty products but no inheritance even in that. Case in point, Madame C.J. Walker (a Hebrew) was the one who started the beauty and hair care line for Hebrew women because the Gentiles didn’t care nor make anything for our women and she became a millionaire success story. Yet, when you look at who runs the beauty care lines that our Hebrew women frequent, none of them are Hebrew owned! The hair care products are run by Koreans, Chinese and occasionally Arab Gentiles. The skin care and other beauty products are run by the European Gentiles. Not one Hebrew has received the inheritance of any beauty products from Madame Walker. That inheritance went to Gentiles based on what we see today. When a Hebrew does make a product line, either we don’t support it fully or they end up selling out and giving it over to the Gentiles who want it once they see they can make money off of it. It is very sad and eye opening to realize that the “people of inheritance” actually leave no inheritance except the one that has followed us since the last straw of disobedience to our Abba Yah which is the curses that He said would follow us. We leave an inheritance of death, violence, murder, bitterness, molestation, rape, rage, depression, unforgiveness, gossiping, covetousness, early death, abortion, prostitution in all facets; etc.

All these things have happened to us as prophesied when Yah said in Deutoronomy 30:1-9 when He says “AFTER the blessings AND the curses have come upon us, that when we brought all that back to mind and turned back to Him like 2 Chronicles 7:14 said with ALL of our heart and being, that He would turn back our captivity from ALL the nations (not 3 countries in Europe) that we are held in. He would gather us and bring us back to the land of our inheritance that our father’s possessed and will increase us more than them. Yah would then put ALL the curses that were upon us on our enemies and He will rejoice over us for good as He did our fathers. Halleluyah!!!!  Our inheritance was given up more than it was taken from us. We gave it up through disobedience and through the refiners fire (Yah’s punishment through captivity) we have been made pure for those who endure to the end. We have an inheritance Yisrael that is greater than what we have come to know in this final captivity. The mixed multitude/the stranger (grafted in) that is among us and with us will also enter in with us and dwell with us. We must go back to our inheritance which is Yah through His Son Yahoshua in the power of the Ruach/Spirit, to receive our inheritance again. To Yehudah, Benyamin and Lewi (southern kingdom) in this country and scattered abroad and to the 10 tribes (northern kingdom) dispersed throughout the continent of Ham (Africa), what inheritance are we going to leave our seed?

Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Power In The Pole

Here is something that you might find interesting. The Hebrew word for pole is nec (pronounced nace) which means: flag, sail, ensign, sign, signal, banner, token, distinguishing mark, warning, standard. Now let us look at a place that men love to frequent. It is a place that has poles as the coming attraction. These places are known as strip clubs. Notice that those poles are a signal, banner, token, flag, sail, standard. Those poles are rally points that signal people to come to them. A rally point is a distinguishing mark that lets us know where to go, it is also used as a warning. The pole is a distinguishing mark because of what it represents and who is on it. The distinguishing mark is a scantily-clad woman enticing through dance, to music that puts you in a trance. The woman is signaling on the signal (pole turning men even women) away from sober mindedness and prosperity (their increase). That stripper pole is the enemy’s flag that he puts down, it is his banner or his token to those who will give into it. When you pick up the frequency or signal from that “sin tower/pole” then that becomes a standard for you. Many people can’t wait until they receive their check so they can go to “the club” and spend their whole check (the standard). When sin becomes a standard/pole then there is a big problem. That stripper pole is akin to it’s predecessor the “maypole” which is a pagan ritual dancing around a maypole on May day. You also might find it interesting that “mayday” is an emergency procedure word/distress signal. Again that “pagan pole” is the enemy’s banner for ritual dancing around it as well as a frequency/signal that becomes a distress call for those drawn into it!

In Hebrew the word “father” is spelled with two letters; Al/Aleph and Bet. The letter al/aleph means “chief, teacher, leader” and the letter bet means “house, tent or family.” When you put both letters together you get Ab or Abba or Father in English. The father is basically the strength, support and structure of the house. He was/is to be the commander of the “family army,” provider, teacher and priest ushering the family into worship of the true and living Yah. The father was meant to be the pole (nec) of the family to which everyone would rally around, seeing him as a sign, signal and standard. What the enemy decided to do was to corrupt the father and then his final plan was to remove the father altogether. I will touch this subject briefly because it will be for a future topic of more depth later. Many of the young ladies that you see straddling and swinging from the poles in these strip clubs do it because the pole that should have been their standard and signal (Father) was not in their life to teach them properly. The pole that they swing from gets them the attention, adoration and love (false) that they didn’t get from a true father. They use that structure to spiral up and down which also shows what has happened to them spiritually because they had no true standard (father) to command, provide, teach and usher them into relationship with Yah. Yes there are some there that may have had a father in their life, but the majority of them that dance on that pole, if you do your research, you will find out that their father was sparsely or non-existent in their lives. Look closely at the demise of my Hebrew people especially those of us in this country. The majority of those Hebrew women in those “strip clubs” have never had a true relationship with their father. Many of them probably don’t even know who their father is. The system has done everything within it’s power to see to that! I am in no way taking the responsibility off of those “dead beat dads” for not being there, but let us not be ignorant to what has and is continuously happening today.

The poles that are used by the strippers today are mostly made of metal (brass, steel, titanium) but originally the poles that were used where made of wood. Go with me to the first book of the Bible Genesis/Bereshith and look at the “Garden Account.” Remember that there was a specific tree that they were not to eat from correct? Remember how in chapter 3 the nahash/serpent came to the woman and told her what she wanted to hear, just like the two legged snakes do today. He got her to look at that tree/pole and see that she could get all the things that she wanted by partaking of it’s fruit, the same way pimps/club owners do to the women today. The woman Hawwah (her name in Hebrew not Eve) partook of that tree/pole and received of it’s fruit once Adam her husband also partook. The serpent used the tree/pole to get the woman in league with him to get the man to come in based on her allure. Remember that both of them were naked and remember how Adam responded once Yah brought the woman to him (read Gen 2:23-25). Adam willfully gave up his inheritance by partaking in the fruit of the tree/pole that his woman had brought to him. This has been happening since that time up to present day.

In Judges 4:17-22, the general Sisera came into the tent/house of Heber the Kenite fleeing Baraq/Barak. That tent was a rally point because the pole of the house (Heber) was a friend to Sisera’s king Yabin/Jabin. He went to that place looking for peace and entrusted his inheritance of life and leadership at that pole only to lose it at the hand of Heber’s wife Jael (who did a righteous deed by helping the Yisraelites). Notice even in that account that there was a tent pole holding up that house (Heber and the actual pole) and that a hammer and stake was used to end a war and save Yah’s people from their enemy (just like what happened with the Messiah on Golgotha). In Numbers/Bemidbar 21:8-9 Yah told Moshe to put a bronze serpent on a “pole” and when the people who had been bitten by fiery serpents as punishment for speaking against Yah looked upon it they would live. Again we see the pole being a sign, signal, warning, distinguishing mark and standard. That account also gives a prelude to the account that happened with our Messiah Yahoshua. The Messiah said if He was lifted up as a standard, sign, banner, distinguishing mark on the pole known as the stake or cross He would bring people to Him, making them alive through salvation/redemption and rebirth (John 3:14-15, 8:28 and 12:32). You can not help but see that there is truly power in the pole/nec. The power of the pole is based on who the father is. Adam and Hawwah left the house of their Abba (pole/nec) and Tree of Life by the allure of the serpent, to come under his house (pole/nec) and dance around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil giving up their inheritance. But as always, Yah will not be out done and His perfect will is still going to be done in the lives of His creation. A tree/pole was used to get mankind to give up his inheritance and a tree/pole was used to help mankind get it back. It is not a coincidence that one of the titles of our Messiah is “the root of Yishai/Jesse”(Isa 11:10; Rom 15:12). Isaiah 11:10-16 brings me joy as it shows a fulfillment of future prophecy for my dispersed people that Yah is standing as a banner (nec/pole) and that “He will raise a banner for the nations and GATHER THE OUTCASTS OF YISRAEL (Israel) AND ASSEMBLE THE DISPERSED OF YEHUDAH (Judah) FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH.”

There is power in the nec/pole but the strength of that power again is based on who is the chief, leader, Abba that represents that pole. It is not a coincidence that in my native Hebrew language, we have a title for Yah which is Yahwah/Yahuah Nissi, which means Yah is my banner (nec/pole). Who is yours????

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Carrying the Family name

As I sat looking at the movie CREED in some ways I see myself. My dad had a name in the streets as being someone that was formidable and not to be messed with (so much that people would only fight him in multiples). I grew up trying to make my own name and be my own man just like the main character in the movie. My anger and rage got me into some situations that somehow I was able to get or be released out of. I was also always fighting just like the main character whether in the physical or the spiritual. I grew up fighting and saw everything as a fight or a challenge to prove myself and to somehow get my own glory to show that I belonged with other champions of old (ironically all biblical champions with the exception of my dad) and that fueled me. My family (mother and 3 younger siblings) moved around a few times after my parent’s divorce, so I was put in a place where no one knew me or my background, which gave me the distance from my dad and the “family name.” I was not known nor was my family so I would finally get the glory I sought on my own. Just as the main character “Adonis,” I begin to make a name for myself and began to get an “earned” rep in the natural world. I did and still do enjoy the incognito role of not being known because you are able to move more freely, but as always there is someone who knows you because they know your family name. I found out that this really is a small world when I was stationed in Germany and met someone who knew my family when they heard my name. As much as I tried to hide in the physical, I tried even harder to hide in the spiritual. I also have a family name that is well known in the spiritual realm. One is linked with generational curses and the other is linked with eternal life. The one that matters is the one linked to eternal life. I tried to hide who my “heavenly father” is, so I could again make a name for myself to get my own glory and respect. I went around hiding it and trying to be incognito acting like I was just like everyone else around me, even though I knew I wasn’t. I would be in clubs, house parties or other places I shouldn’t have been and someone would always notice me because the Holy Spirit would tell them my family name (child/son of Yah from the tribe of Yehudah). That person would come to me telling me that I should not be there because of the name/title I bare. I was trying to prove I belonged in the wrong circles/rings instead of getting in the fight that I was being primed for since birth when my opponent/enemy threw the first punch at me as a young child. I was seeking the big fight, but it was for my own glory. I didn’t want to carry the “family name” because of everything that came with it, but just as “Adonis” found out in the movie, I learned that once that name is thrown out there your life changes. Satan doesn’t really care about fighting you until he finds out that you carry the “family name.” He then wants to fight you so that he can receive the glory by defeating a believer who carries that name, because it is the name that means something, the name carries a legacy of victory just like in that movie.

I’ve battled and took victories and I also received some loses just like that movie character, but I always kept fighting. In the end of the movie when “Adonis” is fighting the champ, his trainer is telling him that he is going to stop the fight for his protection, but the fighter says no he needs to keep fighting to prove that “he was not a mistake.” That resonated with me greatly. All this time I was fighting thinking that I was doing it for my own glory, to make my own mark, to prove I belonged and that I was a champion, but what I was really fighting for was to prove that I was not a mistake in this world or life. My biggest opponent was myself. I was losing to myself (the old man/flesh) whose trainer happened to be Satan. Once I/you defeat (I say defeat instead of defeated because it is a daily thing) “self” then I/you get the attention of the Champion in Sin known as Satan. We have to realize that we are fighting for our life in that ring with the adversary. We have to be just as passionate about finishing the fight just as the main character in CREED was, because we should also want to prove that we were not a mistake. The Father was not mistaken in giving us the choice of salvation by sending His Son. The Messiah was not mistaken in redeeming us with His blood when we choose Him and the Holy Spirit was not mistaken in being our trainer in our corner. No matter how many blows to the body you take, no matter how many jabs, crosses and uppercuts you receive, you make sure that you endure to the end of each round. Don’t give up because you carry the family name of “child of Yah.” You carry a name that is victory itself. Once the character “Adonis” made peace with carrying his father’s name, he was able to go to the next level. Once I made peace with carrying The Father’s name, I too showed readiness for the next level. When you make peace with carrying His name, then you too will be ready for the next level. Ding...Ding….


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Favor isn't fair?

I have heard many people say the phrase, “favor isn’t fair” which it isn’t. Favor is just! I have noticed that usually the people that are saying that, happened to be the people that feel like they are experiencing that favor. What about the times that you don’t feel like things are in your favor/unfavorable conditions? Do you still hold to that phrase of “favor isn’t fair” then? Look at the account of Yoseph/Joseph in Genesis/Bereshith (I’m mainly talking to bloodline now but this is good for grafted as well). Yoseph had favor on him since his birth. All of my people from ancestors to present have had favor upon us since the beginning. Although Yoseph had favor on him, he still experienced unfavorable conditions. Even in those unfavorable conditions, favor still followed/attached to Yoseph. Even in his captivity, people still looked favorably upon him. Favor got him a coat of many colors. Unfavorable conditions got him thrown in a pit. Favor saved his life and unfavorable conditions got him sold into slavery and then captivity. The Ishmaelites and Midianites who bought him from his brothers and from each other saw the favor from his countenance to intelligence and speech. Favor got him sold into Potiphar’s house as second in command. Unfavorable conditions (Potiphar’s lusty wife, which has been happening to our men since biblical times) happened that got him put into jail. Unfavorable conditions continued to happen to him in jail being that he was locked up for many years for a crime he really didn’t commit (MESSAGE!), yet he still found favor in the eyes of the prison warden and his fellow prisoners “because Yah was with him and whatever he did, Yah made it prosper” (Gen 39:23). Again Yoseph’s favor shown through because it was used to interpret the dreams of two of the pharaoh’s royal staff members. Unfavorable conditions still happened being that the very person he shared favor with forgot him when he was risen up.

But now look how an unfavorable condition happened to somebody else this time. The pharaoh had a dream that neither he nor any of his wise men could interpret. Because of this all those wise men were to be put to death and that is when the cupbearer (royal staff member) remembered Yoseph and said there is “a HEBREW youth, a servant of the captain of the guard (in prison) who interpreted dreams” (Gen 41:12). That person that Yoseph shared his favor with finally remembered him and honored that favor by giving him the platform (through Yah) to share it to the whole nation. Because of the favor of Yah on/with him, he found favor in Pharaoh’s eyes and was second in command the rest of his life (really he was Pharaoh in action/deed because even Pharaoh did what he said). That favor that was on him and the whole family helped our whole family (12 tribes) and Egypt.
Unfavorable conditions happened again as we know to Yisrael/Israel in Egypt but favor again came through in Moshe/Moses by way of the Exodus.

When we look at ourselves today (bloodline) we still see this today, in every captivity we have been in from 1st Egypt/bondage, Philistine, Babylonian, Assyrian, Perso/Median; etc. up to present day 2nd Egypt. We are in unfavorable conditions but favor is still on us. Every nation we have been captive to has prospered only because we were there. We built those nations and helped them thrive because we are nation builders. Everyone knew who and what they had when they received us (Yah gave us over because of disobedience). The Yishmaelites who sold us out and sold us to the Gentiles (Europeans) knew who we were and told them who we were and why we were in the state that we were in (children of Yah on punishment for disobedience). We were called to be the salt of the earth and you can’t look at this world and not see our influence (flavor, seasoning) or image. Even though we are in unfavorable conditions in this current captivity around the world, favor is still on us. Everywhere we have been, favor has been on that land (check history). And when favor brought us out from that land, look at what has happened to it (check history). Since the birth of this country when we lived in their houses /plantations the property value went up. The moment they couldn’t prosper off us, when we moved into their neighborhoods now the value goes down. The only reason Egypt, Babylon, Assyria; etc. reached it’s pinnacle of greatness was because Yah’s people/my people where there. The only reason 2nd Egypt (America) has reached the pinnacle of greatness or MADE GREAT, is because Yah’s people/my people are here, but remember what happens when we leave (we were spoiled/unfavorable condition but we leave spoiling those nations/finding favor). We don’t leave empty-handed, Yah sees to that! Favor really isn’t fair, but don’t just say that because you feel that you are experiencing favor. Always see that no matter how bad/unfavorable things get, that when it is on you, it is on you until Yah takes it off….



Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Spiritual Prohibition

Shalom brothers and sisters. I will start this off with a brief history lesson and then move forward with this blog, so please be patient.

Anyone that has had to study American History or chose to, has at some point learned about the Prohibition Era. This era was instituted and enforced by the government by stopping the sell, import, export, manufacture and transport of alcoholic drinks thus making alcohol illegal. The rule of thought was that this would reduce the social problems, lower things like tax used to support prisons and poorhouses, crime, corruption and to make America healthy and clean. Of course history shows us that the complete opposite happened and made things worse/more dangerous. Alcohol became dangerous to consume (at your own risk because of quality), prisons overcrowded, organized crime boomed and of course the corruption of those who were supposed to legislate and execute the laws happened as well (sound familiar?). Although the prohibition law had been implemented statewide in Kansas, it was not enforced. History says that a woman named Carry Nation (who said she was ordained by God) went into illegal saloons busting up the bars and destroying the alcohol (also known as spirits remember that) with her hatchet. Carry brought attention to the non adherence of prohibition laws stateside that were not being enforced, through her actions and speeches. These speeches and actions eventually got the 18th Amendment ratified in 1919 and Prohibition went into effect January 16, 1920. Again we know that the law didn’t stop people from “enjoying” alcohol even though it became illegal and that underground drinking places (known as speakeasies) made it easily accessible to those seeking to consume alcohol/spirits. People kept “private bars” at home to entertain, legal and illegal home brewing became popular and the government even allowed commercial wine to be sold at government warehouses for use in “religious” ceremonies and communion.

Looking at this issue from a spiritual standpoint, prohibition has and is happening spiritually to this day. There are two different types or vantage points of spiritual prohibition. There is the spiritual prohibition Given by Yahuah (The Father) to His chosen people (bloodline and our companions/grafted in) and then there is the spiritual prohibition given by the world system (Satan/ Ha’Satan). Since the beginning of mankind, Yah gave us a law/prohibition when He told Adam that he could eat of every tree in the Garden accept for one (Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) because when he partook of it, he would certainly die (Genesis/Bereshith 2:16-17). Of course we know that the nahash/serpent was crafty and beguiled the woman (Hawwah) by lying to her about the quality of Yah’s words compared to the quality of the forbidden tree/fruit. The nahash/serpent/Satan was actually the first “speakeasy.” The term “speakeasy” means speak quietly about a place or speak softly shop meaning a smuggler’s house. Didn’t the nahash/serpent speak subtly, craftily, softly to the woman in the Garden? Didn’t he smuggle a thought of sin/disobedience and rebellion into her mind and heart that attached to her will? Is it a coincidence that the term “speakeasy” was said to have originated from a woman who owned a saloon who ran an unlicensed bar in the 1880s named Kate Hester? The first “unlicensed bar” was run by a woman in the Garden and her first patron was her husband whom the law was given to, to teach and enforce. When corruption gets the head it gets the house! Of course we know what happened next. The law (Yah) came and shut it down, repossessed the property (Eden), evicted the tenants (mankind), then convicted and punished them (just like the law did speakeasies during Prohibition Era). We see that Yah still gave the law/prohibition to the remnant/good seed of Adam from Seth to Abraham, Yitzhak (Issac) and Ya’aqob/Yisrael (Jacob/Israel). Yisrael taught this law (the law of his fathers) to his twelve sons which became the 12 tribes of the nation of Yisrael/Israel. The Father (Yah) gave this law again to Yisrael through Moshe (Moses) with the Ten Commandments, laws and statues given that we see in scripture.

The world system (which is again controlled by the adversary Satan) does the same thing that he did in the Garden saying basically “don’t listen to The Most High, His quality isn’t as good as mine, nothing will happen to you other than your eyes will be open when you try what I am offering you.” It is safe to say that Satan actually was the first bootlegger (a bootlegger is someone who secretly and illegally makes/produces, sales or transports something). The world system tells you that “you don’t have to follow Yah’s commands, they are archaic, burdensome, no fun; stolen from some pagan/heathen society; etc.” The world system (just like its father Satan in the Garden to present) says, “look at it, doesn’t it look good, there is nothing wrong with this, try it.” There are laws being made by worldly politicians hearing from demonic spiritual forces being implemented to prohibit Yah’s spiritual laws/prohibitions to His people and our being set apart/holy from them and darkness (you see this quietly happening today). What has the world system done to combat Yah’s prohibition on unclean “spirits” or spiritual alcohol? They started “spiritual underground speakeasies” and “bootlegging.” These spiritual speakeasies are exemplified in New Age teachings, multiple world religions, self-empowerment/self help, ascension masters/gurus, media outlets, video game outlets; etc. Let us not forget that many of the “mega churches“ and “local church houses” have become speakeasies were people can come and get illegal “spirits” to consume. The spiritual bootleggers are again the New Age gurus, spiritual leaders of the various world religions, media and also many “clergy” (shepherds/pastors, preachers).

Let us look closer at those who are “professed believers” that are in the “church.” There are many people who come to the assembly that are really looking/thirsty for Yah and His Word, that don’t end up getting either. What they get is an illegal spirit(strange wine/fire) that if they partake enough of it will inebriate or “get them drunk in the spirit.” This type of spirit is dangerous just like the alcohol/spirits that were sold at speakeasies because the quality was not always good. People didn’t get the pure stuff, but instead received mixed drinks (harsh things like moonshine masked with something to take the edge off). This is also the cause for alcohol poisoning that became a big issue during that time. It is said that the poor quality of bootleg liquor sold at these establishments brought about a shift from classic drinks to “new” ones aimed at masking the taste. This same thing has happened in the assembly or “church” today. Look at the quality of worship that is shown today, look at the quality of the sermon/message that is given today. I see a lot of masked moonshine when I have been in some of these places. Cheap liquor was used to boost profits, and even though brand names were used to specify taste and for the purpose of selling/bringing patrons in, the speakeasies still cheated/lied and sold the cheap stuff. Is that not happening today? Some of these “church speakeasies” are boosting profits by selling low quality spirits like their secular counterparts. A “church” offers a quality brand name preacher(s) who cheat the people by giving a low quality cheap message (ie. all about prosperity, name it and claim it; etc.) instead of giving the high quality that The Holy Spirit offers, to profit themselves (bootlegging preacher) and that church (speakeasy) that hired them to bring it in! It used to sound funny to me hearing the term bootlegging preacher as I heard fellow preachers saying it (usually about an unlicensed person preaching) but now it saddens and angers me. The non- brand or “low quality” preacher who wants to compete with the brand/high quality will try to imitate but throw their on twist just like companies do with name brand stuff. This is very dangerous when dealing in the spiritual realm of worship and the five-fold ministry function.

The lower-class speakeasies were also known as “blind pig” and “blind tiger.” The term blind pig was used because they showed pigs and other animals for entertainment and then sold a complimentary drink to get around prohibition. Blind tiger establishments were mysterious as the sellers identity was concealed from the buyer. When I look at some of the “churches” today, I see the blind pig term playing out. People come to be entertained by the unclean, pay their fee and receive the complimentary worship and message(spirits). The blind tiger term also plays out where people put money into something to “get a word” from a seller/preacher whose “true” identity is concealed. Just as speakeasies were numerous in the secular, we see the same thing today. Look in the neighborhoods (especially were my people are segregated/imprisoned in). There is a liquor store, pawn shop and cash advance place on almost every corner. And what else do we also see on almost every corner? A church house! In Yehezqel/Ezekial chapter 16, the Father paints a picture of what His chosen had done. I will preface verses 24-31 where Yah told them that “they built an arched place for themselves making a high place in every street for themselves, at the head of everyway making their beauty to be hated. They played the whore to everyone that passed by (all those unclean nations/ideologies) and they increased in doing this whoring building arched places and high places and unlike a whore, didn’t even want to accept the fee/payment for it.” The arched places and high places are the temples or “churches” that they built everywhere (just like we see today). What do people usually do when they get drunk? They start to get loose or promiscuous. Many bootlegging church leaders and speakeasy churches are in bed (whoring) with the world system because they got drunk off the worlds demonic spirits (poisoned wine). What is even sadder is the fact that Yerushalayim/Jerusalem who Yah was speaking to instead of receiving gifts from lovers like a whore does, gave gifts to the lovers, bribing them to come to her (Ezek 16:33-34). What would you think or do if a whore/prostitute came to you offering you money to sleep with them? When “churches” and “gospel singers seek out secular people and pay them to come in to them or collaborate/spiritually lay with them, then they are again proving the words that Yah stated! Read that whole chapter and you will see what the punishment was for my ancestors then to present day as well as what is going to happen to those “churches” who profess to be His that are doing these things. All these churches on these corners and yet there is no light! Most of the violence is happening where they are located at, and most of them are taking from the people instead of giving something to the people that are supposed to be their mission in that community. Why is that? Maybe it is because of the spirits that they are offering the community instead of The Holy Spirit. How many of them PREY on the hope of the people in the communities that they service and how many of them PRAY for/to the hope of those people/communities? There seems to be a prohibition of the Holy Spirit in these places of “church government.” Prisons, cemeteries and hospital were overcrowded during Prohibition and that has also happened in the spiritual Prohibition. Remember that things are usually illegal as long as governments can’t make money off of it, or they realize that they can make more money by keeping it illegal.

Earlier I stated that there were legal and illegal home brewing that was popular during Prohibition and that the government allowed commercial wine for “religious” ceremonies. The legal home brewing was allowed as long as the alcohol was heated and evaporated enough of the alcohol to bring it back within the legal limits. The government “allowed” the legal home brewing as long as they got to control the amount that was in the brew and they also allowed commercial wine for “religious” ceremonies (whatever government deemed as religious) as long as you got it from their warehouses. Now when looking at Yah’s prohibition parameters to keep us from indulging in the unclean “spirits” there is nothing wrong with it because following it actually does make us better/righteous. It is to help us get the most out of our relationship with Him and Him out of us. It is for us to be spiritually sober-minded. The government does it for control to get the best out of you, while giving you the minimum. The assemblies that formed after the day of Shavout/Pentecost were “home-brewed assemblies that were considered illegal because they didn’t let the fullness of the Ruach Ha’Kodesh/Holy Spirit evaporate from the worship/message as the governments wanted. Through governmental persecution (property repossessions, evictions, jail and execution) the righteous spiritual home brewing continued and grew. We are again getting to a point where righteous home brewing of the Word will be considered illegal not just in this country but the entire world. Prohibition hasn’t stopped on Yah’s chosen people (bloodline) since our 2nd Mitzrayim/Egypt captivity spoken of in the scriptures and that prohibition has also been placed on the true companions/grafted in chosen people of Yah as well.

One of the side effects of bootlegging that I eluded to earlier was alcohol poisoning, which we also see this happening spiritually in the “church.” All you need to do is look at the people that are actual members who attend weekly services (not the fly by nights). The way that some of them live shows they have been poisoned from the pulpit to the pew. The other side effect of bootlegging was the rise of organized crime. These organized crime syndicates realized that there was good money to be made in breaking the law of Prohibition so they went all in. They warred with each other to corner the market, they strong armed people, got politicians in their pockets and all of this was for their empowerment and betterment. They rose to prominence and the people that they “served” stayed low. Prosperity was top heavy and even those that worked for them (distribution, enforcement; etc.) were still playing the low class life. I tell the assembly that I shepherd all the time about “organized religion” which is basically the spiritual version of the secular crime syndicate. You have shepherds/pastors/overseers who form their “syndicates” having those they are on a board with deciding how they will run their regions, districts, local areas all for their gain, not for the people. It is about how big, how many members, how much money THEIR church is/has and so forth. They war with each other over who has the biggest and best pastor and church and how their members/workers take care of them. They also live the high life like their secular counterparts, while their members/workers live low-level, trying to make ends meet lives, giving everything to a man and his system, believing that they will come up (through materialistic prosperity teachings/giving out of want) instead of giving out of love to Yah’s cause and teachings (out of need to follow Yah‘s mandates). They strong arm people and pay off politicians and other people just like their criminal counterparts. They have their territory that each one “respects” and doesn’t try to come infringe upon (proselyte). They black-ball anyone who doesn’t go with the status-quo, assassinating their character and in some cases actually having them hurt or assassinated (look at the prophets, apostles, true believers and true preachers even today).

Lastly I will speak on the corruption of those whose job is/was making, and upholding the law. Prominent citizens, politicians and even the President (Harding) kept a well stocked bar in their homes and the White House. The law was against manufacturing, distributing and transport, not possession and consumption. The ones making the laws left loop-holes, so how could they be hard on/enforce law on the very things that they were doing? The Father doesn’t leave loop-holes. Being in possession of sin is still illegal in His eyes (ie. sin in the camp; read Yehoshua/Joshua chapter 7). This discrepancy/hypocritical nature of government brought about contempt causing more people to do it illegally and make organized crime (gangsters) richer. This opened up the door because of lucrative opportunities for the likes of gangsters like Al Capone and Lucky Luciano. There was some success with Prohibition but what tarnished and eventually made it to be ineffective was the corruption from those in leadership/government. Again when the head is corrupt, the house is corrupt! This has happened to the “church” or assembly even to this day. Corrupt leadership/spiritual government tries to govern and prohibit the very things that they indulge in themselves. People see the hypocritical lifestyle/behavior, become full of contempt and decide to rebel and be illegal against Yah’s law/prohibition. Organized religion (spiritual gangsters) also sees the lucrative opportunities like their secular counterparts and have bred religious Al Capones and Lucky Lucianos. Again the ineffectiveness of Prohibition was not due to the people but because of those who were suppose to govern and enforce the mandates set for the people!

Look in your communities and see how many “arched/high places (churches) are there and whether they are whoring for the world or living for Yah. Look in these churches and see whether they are true assemblies of Yah or speakeasies. Look at the worshippers and preachers and see if they are spiritually legal or if they are bootleggers. Look at the shepherds/pastors and see if they are governed/governing by Yah or if they are actually “organized religion” syndicates doing if for themselves. When you are following Yah’s laws/prohibition you are forever legal even when the world system says you are not, but in/following the world system’s prohibition you are never legal. Get the right spirit (Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha’Kodesh) in you and stop consuming those other spirits…. Shalom.