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Sunday, December 9, 2018

As those who truly love Yah are striving to walk according to His Word and Truth, we must really look to get a grasp of Scripture contextually. We must read, study, gain understanding and then live based on what Scripture says, also seeing who it was talking to and why they were being spoken to. For instance; let us look to 2 Chronicles/ Dibre haYamim Bet 7:14. It states: "and My people upon whom My Name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I shall hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land."

Let us look to the who, what, when, where and why of this Scripture passage. The beginning of the chapter is giving the origin of what we Yisraelites celebrate as The Feast of Dedication also called Hannukah/Channukah (the Maccabean account was a re-dedication). Shelomoh/Solomon finished the temple and then his palace and then Yah appears to him and night, letting him know He heard his prayers and He has chosen the hekal/temple as His house. He then states if He did certain things as judgement toward Yisrael (there was no split yet) and they HUMBLED, PRAYED, SOUGHT HIM, REPENTED; then He would HEAR, FORGIVE and HEAL.

We have been taught that this passage no longer applies to Yisrael and is now for "organized religion," however; did Yah ever change His Word? Who was He speaking to? He was speaking to the same people then that He has always spoken to and is speaking to now as they are waking up.

WHO: The Ibri/Hebrew used in that passage is ammi (My people) and comes from the word am: people, nation, folk, men. Next He says "who are called by My Name," and what does He mean by that? That denotes a relationship via parental or marital, for those who are either seed or spouse are called by someone's name. Yah is clearly speaking to a SPECIFIC people/nation.

The word qara (kaw-raw)/called means: calling together for assembly, to call/give a name to call out, read, proclaim, name, encounter; etc. The word used for name is shem which means name, famous, renown, character, honor, authority, fame; etc., and denotes a mark or memorial of individuality, not just an identifier but also descriptive of character. It also includes posterity as Shem, Noah's son was his posterity and honored and given authority over his two other sons Ham and Yapheth.

Yah changed Ya'aqob's name to Yisrael which means "he will rule as/like Yah" (Elohim)." When Yah changed his shem/name, He was also changing his character because to us Ibrim/Hebrews your character is in your name, that is why the shem/name is so important to us and why our oppressors/captors did everything they could to keep us from The Name and Our Names which are linked in with His. Scripture tells you who will rule/reign when the new earth is established which is Yisrael. There are 12 gates that denotes the 12 tribes not religions or denominations. See how Yah makes it that you have to come through His Son Yahoshua to get to Him and you also must go through His seed/children (Yisrael) in order to know who He is by them teaching you  not just in word but deeds through faith. It is truly a family affair and family business.

WHAT & WHEN: His people (Yisrael) when they humble/kana (kaw-nah): bend the knee, subjection; themselves and pray/palal (paw-lal): plead, pray, judge, intreat, intercede, supplication.; and seek/baqash (baw-kash); search for something/answers, seek, request, require, enquire; His face/paneh (paw-naw/paw-ney): presence, face, person, countenance; and turn/shub (shoob): return, repent, turn back again; from their evil ways.

WHERE & WHY: His people are to do this wherever they are and it must be in their heart and mind, soul and spirit. This must be done by His people in order for them to be RESTORED (forgiven and their land healed). Remember that "the intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for the REVEALING of the sons of Elohim" (Rom 8:19). The sons of Elohim in this context denotes Yisrael for remember that Yisrael is Yah's "firstborn son" (Ex 4:22). This goes back to what was stated earlier by being called by His Name and that denoting parental and marital relationship. We also see that Yah is married to Yisrael as seen in Isa 54. Why does He constantly call Yisrael and adulteress and whoring after other spirits. Even look at the account in Hoshea/Hosea.

When you truly look at this Scripture passage and others in context you realize who He is really talking to and about. This has nothing to do with "organized religion" aka the Church because He is neither the father of a paganistic organization daughter of the whore of Babylon, nor is He married to the "Great Whore of Babylon." The whole book is about Yisrael (Congregation/Assembly) not about an organization. Yisrael was lost, not an organization. Yisrael needs to be saved, not an organization. Yahoshua Himself even told you who He came for, "the lost sheep of Yisrael." It doesn't mean that other nations/Gentiles can't enter into covenant with Yah and be "adopted/grafted" but don't preseume to take the place of Yah's people with any organization. Hopefully you gained understanding, edification and are blessed by this. Shalom....

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Reason Why They Hate You....

Contrary to an old hit television show, "Everybody DOESN'T hate Chris." However when you really look at the grand scheme of things, you see that everybody does hate Yis(rael). [I'm speaking of the true bloodline descendants not religious converts]

I find it quite baffling that the very group of people who have murdered, pillaged, raped, bombed, robbed/stolen, destroyed, manipulated, lied, incarcerated, are unjust, made clothes and shoes out of your flesh, kept your body parts as heirlooms, spiteful/hateful; etc., can have the audacity to hate a group of people who have never done anything to them. They hate you so much "true Yisrael" but can't explain why because you haven't done anything to them before or since being brought here as a captive. The more ignorant among them tell you to go back to a continent that they can't/won't leave. They blame you for all of their shortcomings and downfalls and have such a deep seated hatred for the very group of people they have done wrong. This is only done to you out of every nation of people in the world by the way. But there is a reason for this deep seated hatred. This hatred is from the beginning throught. I call it "antred" (ancient hatred). The seed of the nahash/serpent would hate the seed of the woman and wage war (Gen 3:15). The seed of the dragon/flying-serpent would hate the seed of the woman/Yisrael and her seed/bloodline decendants and wage war against them (Rev 12:17). When you add up the numbers in Gen 3:15 (3+1+5)=9. The number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or finality. When you add up the numbers in Rev 12:17 (1+2+1+7)=11. The number 11 symbolizes disorder, chaos and judgement. It is quite fitting that the beginning and ending books of Scripture speak of the war the serpent and his people will wage against Yah's chosen people (a 911 for us true Yisrael). From Genesis/Bereshith to Revelations/Hazon we see that Scripture has foretold and gotten us ready for the beginning of divine final judgement.

In John 15:18-26 after the parable of the Vine, Yahoshua speaks to his talmidim/disciples about understanding why the world will hate them. He said that realize that "if they hate you, they hated me first" (vs. 18). He let them know that they (world/nations) hate them because they are not of/from them but are of/from Him (His people). He said "I chose you (12 disciples/12 tribes) out of all the nations/world and for that reason they hate you" (vs. 19). In verse 20, He then told them about how the servant wasn't greater than the Master and that since He was to be persecuted, His own would be as well. Toward the end of that verse Yahoshua says that "if the world guarded His Word, they would have guarded YOURS too." Why would He say that and who was He talking about? There is only one people/nation that Yah ever gave His Word to which was Yisrael. You however were taught a centuries old fabrication where the Church/ "organized religion" brought to you by RCC was put in place of Yisrael and is the ones being hated and persecuted. How can the #1 (Christianity) and #2 (Islam) religions in the world be hated and persecuted when they are the actual persecutors (learn some History)? When you research you will see that both "religions" stem/branch from the same tree RCC, and further research will show you what group/nation of people are really in control of the RCC.

Yahoshua then tells them in verse 21, that the world will do this because of His Name because they/nations don't know Yah. There is only one nation who is called by His Name (2 Chr 7:14) and is forever linked to Him, which is "true Yisrael." There is only one nation of people that "He has known/relationship (Amos 3:2). They hated Him because He told them the truth and exposed sin so they hate Him and Yah (vs. 22-24). Notice how great their hate also gets toward you when you tell the truth (your identity, their injustices toward you; etc.).  In verse 25, Yahoshua then quotes what both Psalms 35:19 and 69:4 states; "they hated me without a cause." They hated Him without a cause and they hate us without a cause. Every reason they could try to give for why they hate you is asinine and far-fetched. It's one thing to hate a people (especially if they've done something to you) but it is something totally different when you hate a people just because they exist. Their/nations unbridled hatred for you is just the physical manifestation of Ha'Satan's hatred toward us. The hate has always been against the BLOODLINE DESCENDANTS because the promise was/is fulfilled through THEM! 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Censorship of the Truth

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censors (plural noun)

1.     an official who examines material that is about to be released, such as books, movies, news, and art, and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.


2.     (in ancient Rome) either of two magistrates who held censuses and supervised public morals.


censors (third person present)

1.     examine (a book, movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.

When we look at censor/censorship we see that it is more so based on hiding something that is deemed inappropriate or offensive. Back in the day certain words, lifestyles and even music were censored but when we look at present day, the only thing that seems to be censored a lot is the truth! True Yisrael knows this very untimely truth, for we have been under censorship since being kidnapped and brought here and abroad. I remember when nakedness, sexual things, foul language, violence; etc., was censored/hidden, and now it is today’s norm. People don’t fight to censor hearing about animal cruelty but when it comes to talking about the cruelty that the true children of Yisrael face across this world then censorship. Homosexuality is paraded around as a bastion of courage and acceptance in today’s society, while “true Yisrael” has been showing courage through the midst of centuries of unspeakable and unfathomable acts against then (including the 399 years of some of Yehudah held captive in this country).

We live in a time where “white inferiority” (because they would have to be superior for it to be supremacy) is no longer hidden/censored. All these white hate groups have been taken off the FBI extremist list, while BIE (Black Identity Extremist) which is basically any “black” people (Negro/Yisraelite) who speak up about their identity is all over their list. Notice that this category didn’t come about until the “awakening” of Yah’s true chosen people started to pick up steam. Now the censorship comes in.

With all that being said, there are certain “fringe” groups of Yisraelites that are not being censored. You have to ask yourself why that is. Certain “camps” are allowed to spew vitriol and actual hate speech on the street corners and even on social media, while other Yisraelites that don’t subscribe to that nonsense are having their social media avenues shut down via censorship because it doesn’t fit social media “community” criterium. Some of us even have mysterious technical issues with equipment as well as issues with internet service that are also forms of censorship, while others don’t. A white man recently killed 2 elder Yisraelites in Kentucky after a locked church door thwarted his plan to imitate the SC church massacare. The media and even the police down there are having a hard time calling that hateful act a “hate crime” because there isn’t enough evidence to fully corroborate that, while media outlets and political figures including the pharaoh of this country flat out denounced what happened recently in Pittsburgh as a hate crime and crime against humanity.

We are indoctrinated through “history,” to remember 12 years of oppression by one specific group every year and even with the recent thing that has befallen their community, while at the same time we must be censored when bringing to remembrance the 399 years of oppression/affliction of the 400 year prophecy that was given about Yah’s actual people (Gen 15:13-14). There has always been an agenda to fully censor/suppress one group of people out of the entire world. Everything about Yah’s chosen people is censored accept for the negative that is mostly engineered and fabricated by those in power (not taking responsibility away from Yisraelites doing wrong). We speak up about our true identity and now we are accused of hate speech and supremacy. We march against injustice and we are deemed rioters. We refuse to stay silent about the truly evident countless atrocities against humanity (hue-man or man of color) and we are labeled extremist/terrorist, without ever blowing up any buildings or reigning terror on anyone. History does prove that we have been terrorized since being here and across the world. We are told to remember everyone else’s plight, but we must censor ourselves and be silent about what is still prevalent in our lives today. This country says never forget, when talking about Pearl Harbor, WWII and even 911, but when it comes to hearing the voice of Yah’s oppressed people with daily “fresh” incidents that we go through, we are to told to be quiet. Our issues are censored and are only now receiving some sort of air time because of people using camera phones and social media to bring daily life for us to the “main-stream.”

Who has written this narrative? The imposter, the identity thieves of “true Yisrael.” There is only one group in the world that you can’t say anything against. There is one group that basically holds all of the cards with global control over the media, banking, sovereign heads of state; etc. Scripture clearly tells us that the children of Yisrael would be at the bottom everywhere they went leading to the time of  Mashiach’s (Messiah’s) return. Scripture says that there will be no might/power in the hand of Yisrael leading up to the time of Mashiach’s return. Scripture says that no one would help/redeem Yisrael or bring them back to their land, except Yah doing it at the appointed time (not agreements with world leaders). Scripture says Yisrael would be enslaved, oppressed, afflicted and captured as a sign leading up to Mashiach’s return. Scripture says that Yisrael (the land and even the people) would be trodden under foot by Gentiles until their time has ended. Is there anyone you know of experiencing what the Scriptures say about “true Yisrael” and the signs that would point to them? Has any of this happened to those who claim our identity?

The Truth/Word is even censored in “churches” as well as Congregations/Assemblies (which is what we were actually called based on Scripture). When I was in “organized religion” I always heard about how the world was trying to censor the Word, but I saw just as much if not more censorship in the “church,” from leadership on down. What do you think you are guilty of doing when you say the Scripture doesn’t say what it clearly does? What do you think you are doing when you pick and choose what to preach/teach that fits your narrative and opinion instead of giving the unadulterated truth? What are you doing as a pastor when you tell someone that their job is to “preach people happy and leave the teaching to me because I know what they need?” As a shepherd/pastor, I won’t let anybody teach or preach to the Congregation Yah has appointed to me if they are not in line with and living the Word (the whole book). People need the Word for edification, reproof and being set straight (2 Tim 3:16). What do they have if you censor the very thing that will help them accomplish Yah’s plan for their life?
Image result for censor bible

The censorship is going to get even worse as “the powers that be” are finding new ways and constructing more laws to tighten their grip on truth. The identity thieves are now stating that they are in league with said powers to crack down on those who they say are trying to steal their identity, as they take a stand to take their identity back (isn’t that ironic). Again, the children of Yisrael are prophesied to have no might or power leading up to Mashiach returning, therefore; they would not have the power to make people cease and desist from speaking out against them. The censorship has an end date as Scripture shows that the world will know and have to admit who the true children of Yisrael are (Isa 61:9; 62:1-12; Jer 33:9; Ezek 28:25-26; 36:23-28; Rev 2:9; 3:9 to name a few Scriptures). “What was concealed/censored is being uncovered and what is hidden/censored will be known” (Luke 12:2).

True Yisrael it is time for us to stand up for our Abba Yah, the Word, OURstory (Scripture) and our culture. Those companions/strangers (grafted in) who are among us, you must stand with us against the lies, misinterpretation, miseducation and censorship as well. You can’t censor Yah or the move of Yah, and you can’t honestly censor the truth because it will always come out. Shalom….

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Are You Condemned?

I was doing a little “road marching” earlier today and I noticed this house with a couple of condemned signs in the window. On the outside the house seemed somewhat okay, although you could see that some cosmetic things needed attention on the exterior. I then wondered what was wrong with the house to where it was condemned and began to think about the inside issues that must have been the problem. We can’t take things at face value and think that a building, house or even a person is safe, not realizing that the building/person may be condemned based on inner issues you don't see. When we look at people (using discernment), you can see if there is a condemn sign present or not. 
Image result for condemned sign

What makes a house or building condemned? When it is unsafe, has been issued a warning and the owner has not made the necessary corrections. The owner is often given a certain amount of time to make the corrections before condemnation falls upon the structure. Habitual sinners and people who sympathize with sinners because of the sins they struggle with, always misquote and misinterpret “judge not," "he that is without sin" and say "Yahoshua hung around with sinners ," when you say something to them that is convicting (when scripturally done). When the “righteous” are actually speaking to that person/house, what we are doing is telling them they are unsafe, issuing a warning and telling them that there are corrections that need to be made in time before they are condemned. 
Image result for condemned house

When you look at Rom 8:1, we see that there is “no condemnation to those who are in (dwelling/living in) Yahoshua because they walk by the Spirit not the flesh.” Everybody always wants to quote Romans 8 without actually looking at what it is truly saying, who it is truly talking to and why it is needing to be said. For those who want to fight against the Torah/Law, why was Shau’l (Paul) saying there was no condemnation? If we look at the previous chapter 7, he was clearly still advocating following the Torah/Law. He said “he delights in the Torah of Elohim according to his inward man (spirit)” (Rom 7:22). He also said that “the law of his body battles the law of his mind making him captive to the law of sin in his body” (Rom 7:23). He then goes on to give “thanks to Yah through Yahoshua that with his mind he truly serves the Torah of Yah but with his flesh the torah of sin” (Rom 7:25). He is not habitually sinning in his flesh, but if his flesh sins, then it is now under the law of sin meaning that he is held responsible and must accept the punishment of the law of sin. By the time we get to Romans 8:1, we then understand why “those in Yahoshua are not condemned” and how we know they aren’t condemned is because of how they walk.

When Yohanan (John) The Immerser was preaching in the wilderness, he was telling people that their house (themselves) were deemed unsafe and he issued a warning to them about corrections that needed to be made in time before they were condemned. In “organized religion” when it was time for altar call, they would always sing “Come to Jesus, just now.” Not only were you told to come to Him, but it was imperative that it was done at that moment because you didn’t know if you would have another chance ever again. People of course feel that they have enough time, and many of them don’t realize that their time is up because of the refusal to heed the warning and correct somethings. It is not wise to dwell in or around an unsafe environment, building or person. Once you’ve warned a person through the message of the Word and they don’t make corrections, you’ll notice they have a condemned sign in their window (eyes) or even on their exterior (lifestyle). They even get upset when you point the sign out to them!
Image result for condemned houseRelated image

Are you taking heed to the warnings about your unsafe lifestyle, behavior or spirit? Many are walking around right now living and doing everything else, not knowing that they are walking around condemned, not because someone said they are but because they choose not to make the necessary corrections. Make sure that you aren't dwelling or linking up with someone/group that are deemed unsafe or condemned because it can cause injury or even death (that also goes for Congregations/Assemblies as well). I’ve noticed that every condemned building/house has no light on. Are you condemned? Check and see if your light is on… "Let your light so shine before all men that they may see your good works and glorify your Heavenly Father" (Matt 5:16)....

Monday, September 3, 2018

Twinkle, Twinkle, David's Star?

Twinkle, Twinkle David’s Star....

The star of David or Dawid is actually known by other names by those who worship and know what it truly is. One name that it is known by is the “demon star.” In this short blog, you will be given some information that some of you may have been privy too and others of you may not have been.

Saturn is the 6th (6= man, human weakness, sin manifest, Satan) planet from the sun. The north polar vortex of Saturn has a hexagonal (6 pointed star) cloud pattern

and the south polar vortex has an eyewall (seeing eye) cloud. 

The earth is the only other planet with eyewall clouds. In the occult and other dark practices, the hexagon six-pointed star is the highest in power and evil (“putting a hex on you”) and then the pentagon/five-pointed star. The Greek word Remphan comes from the Hebrew word Kiyyun (kee-yoon) a heathen god also known as the planet Saturn. The star of Kiyyun/Remphan/Saturn is a 6-pointed star. Contrary to popular belief, King Dawid never had a star, Yah gave him keys (Isa 22:22 & Rev 3:7) which also denotes authority/power. That star became a symbol of the imposters of Yisrael stemming from Prince David El’Roy the son of Khazar king Solomon ben Duji (Roy). It became known as the star of David and the Seal of Solomon because of those two Khazarians and had nothing to do with the 2 true Yisraelite Kings Dawid and Shlomo/Solomon. It isn’t coincidence that the 6-pointed star is the emblem for the Rothchilds (“red shield”). The imposters in control of our homeland at present are actually in fact some of the descendants of Esau (they even admit it). Remember Esau mixed with others so there are Hamitic and Yaphetic Edomites too! Obadiah 1:4 speaks of how Edom/Esau “ascends as high as the eagle and that they set their nest among the stars.” Look throughout history and see what nations used the eagle as their emblem. Also notice that those in the occultic infused masonic practices have the eagle as their symbol as well. Those under the control of the Khazars who now have been calling themselves Ashkenazi or Jewish people have this as their symbol/emblem.

The symbol for biblical Israel is the menorah.  This is the pagan star of Remphan (Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43).

Kiyyun/Saturn and Moloch were deities of the Ammonites (Lot’s descendants) and Canaanites (Ham’s descendants). Even ancient Edomites (melanated people) worshipped them before the modern day ones. The star of Remphan/David is actually the star of Saturn. Those sporting it are either in confusion (Yisraelites in gangs under the 6 and some who are awakened to our heritage but patterning after the imposters) or willful worshippers of the fallen one (everybody else). Acts 7:43 was a restatement of what the prophet Amos said in Amos 5:26; “ but you took up Sikkuth your sovereign and Kiyyun, your idols, your astral mighty ones, which you made for yourselves.” Both Sikkuth (a false deity; tabernacle) and Kiyyun (a heathen false deity) are tied to Saturn. The House of Yisrael followed after the heathen Gentile nations around them and succumbed to Yah’s wrath against them for doing these practices. We are still on punishment around the world today as prophesied, not blessed upon measure and above everyone else ruling the world. As you can see it is also in Roman Catholicism which "jewry" admits in their own Jewish Encyclopedia that "they know who Edom/Esau is and that Edom is Rome and that modern jewry is Edom" (Jewish Encyclopedia 1925 Ed., Vol 5, pg. 41). In the 1980 Jewish Almanac they also stated; " strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew" an Israelite or a Hebrew" (1980 Jewish Almanac, pg 3).

The true people of Yah who follow after these practices and worship under that demonic star are cursed and still not blessed, while those who say they are his people but do lie and instead are the synagogue of Ha’Satan (Rev 2:9; 3:9) have been blessed since it’s inception. Notice how swift judgement comes and how non-prosperous Yah’s chosen people are when they follow this and other abominations. Do those (specifically that nation claiming to be His chosen) who have this symbol/emblem as part of their identity feel the wrath of Yah upon them yet? They are being blessed by almost all the nations of the world while worshipping under a demonic symbol. The more that you truly “study to show yourself approved,” the more you see the lies and how the enemy has integrated himself in so much that you see daily. You also see how he has counterfeited so much. A star shouldn’t be your symbol anyway (specifically true Yisraelites), our symbol is the menorah and our obedience to Yah. You’re not really awake if you are still accepting the enemy’s lies. Shalom….

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Look and Be Like Him

There was this group of turkeys on my former route walking while I was delivering mail. There was this one turkey, in particular that looked like it was hurt/been through as it was the only one hobbling. There was this group of turkeys that it was following. They were clustered together while the lone one was walking slower and lagging behind, but it kept on walking toward them. The others weren’t to far ahead of the lone turkey and it even seemed like they were actually waiting on it. They could have left it if they wanted to, but it kept hobbling toward them, looking forward in the direction of the group as if to say, “I am moving forward looking at what I hope to obtain, even in my hobbled state.”

Sometimes we are like that hurt, hobbling lone turkey; dealing with hurts and other things, falling behind everyone. We have to push through and keep on walking forward “forgetting what is behind and pressing toward the mark” (Phil 3:13-14). People aren’t going to stop their movement forward for you; however, those with you will wait for you to get close enough. If you continue moving and seeing others move, will push you to keep going. When you see others ahead but close, just like that lone turkey, it helps you to know that you are not alone. I believe that helped that lone hobbling turkey because it still wasn’t alone as they waited until it caught up. That lone hobbling turkey also was a little younger compared to the others and it’s appearance hadn’t fully matured yet like the others, but it was looking at what it wanted to become (like them) and it kept moving, hobbling and all.

When Yahoshua was on the Mt. of Transfiguration, His inner circle of 3 limmudim/disciples (Peter, James, John) saw His glorified body as He changed in front of them. Those three got a glimpse of what they were looking to obtain and the 11 saw it together again when Yahoshua showed Himself to them after His resurrection. Sha’ul/Paul wasn’t there but he saw Yahoshua when he was on his way to Damascus and he changed from looking like tradition/worldly and started following after the Mashiach/Messiah’s likeness. Sha’ul told us in 1 Cor 11:1 and Eph 5:1-2 that we must “become imitators of him as he is of Yahoshua and to be imitators of Yah, walking in His love.”

That turkey moved forward looking ahead because it had something to fashion after and look forward to being like. As Yah’s creation, we were made in His image/tselem #H6754: image, outline, form, resemblance, representative figure and likeness/demuth #H1823: likeness, figure, resembling who/which, son from blood of his father resembles his father (Gen 1:26). We were made as Yah’s outline/representative figure and were His son from blood of our Father Yah resembling Him. We got hobbled by sin and have not matured to where we need to be yet, but there are those of us who are hobbling forward looking at Yahoshua, hoping to look and be like Him (not be Him). We see others matured/maturing walking forward and that gives us hope as we follow along. I believe that turkey probably had a better understanding of Phil 4:13 than many of us human beings. We too should strive like that turkey to move forward, looking at those who have matured in The Ruach/The Spirit and above all, looking to be like our Mashiach/Messiah.

In the movie “The Dark Tower,” the gunslinger/Messiah outline, kept reciting a creed/saying passed down from father to son/gunslinger to gunslinger, about remembering/forgetting the face of his father based on his actions. The one who held on to the words of his father would remember “his face” by his actions and the one who didn’t follow would forget his father’s face and lose the power to act in authority. 1 John 2:6 says, “the one saying they stay in Him ought to also walk like Him.”

I end this blog with a Scripture that should wake us all up and put on back on the true path of our faith/emunah #H530. “See what love the Father has given us that we should be called children of Elohim! For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved ones, now we are children of Elohim, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone having this expectation in Him cleanses himself, as He is clean” (1 John 3:1-3).

Monday, January 29, 2018

The Age of Deception and Strong Delusion

“And as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the taught ones came to Him separately, saying, “Say to us, when shall this be, and what is the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” And Yahoshua answering, said to them, “Take heed that no one leads you astray” (Matt 24:3-4).”

 When Yahoshua spoke to His limmudim/disciples in Matt 24:1-2, notice that he first spoke of the Holy/Set Apart buildings being destroyed and that not one stone would be left of any of them. After that the question was asked; “when will this happen, what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age.” After those questions remember that the first thing that came out of Yahoshua’s mouth was “don’t be deceived.” As you read further in the chapter you recognize that He started breaking many things down concerning the end times, but the one that was most profound to me is “don’t be deceived.” The whole chapter can actually be summed up in “don’t be deceived,” as He took time throughout to warn them of future prophecy.  Why was His concern about making sure that they and us today aren’t deceived?

 We look over in the homeland of my people and they have this wall up called the “wailing wall,” which they have dignitaries and people around the world putting prayers in and gyrating all over this wall, thinking that they are praying at a piece of the temple wall that was left. The Messiah Himself, stated that “NOT ONE STONE WILL BE LEFT HERE UPON ANOTHER , AT ALL WHICH SHALL NOT BE THROWN DOWN” (Matt 24:2). Yet we have people going there since the the “jewish state” of Yisrael has taken over. Wouldn’t it take some major deception to have people going to see and praying to a structure that Yahoshua clearly said wouldn’t be there after 70 A.D.? Wouldn’t it take major deception for a false people to live as the true people and to get everyone to buy into it? Now this blog is not meant to tell the true Yisraelites from imposters, who have enough sense to not call themselves Yisraelites.  Truthful study of the Scriptures alone tells who the true people are and what marks them (along with other evidence). However; there needed to be a reminder given that this is about deception and delusion.

 Everything that Yahoshua said would follow after verse 4 has come, is in the process of coming and will also be fulfilled in the near and distant future. Many are saying they are the second coming of Messiah (even in the Yisraelite communites) and many fall into the deception of these false ones. Nations are warring or getting ready for war, hearts are growing colder everyday, judgements are upon all nations through famine, disease and earthquakes (especially this country). But even in the midst of this, Yah’s people (including the grafted in) are told not to be troubled by any of this because it is a sign of His coming. We are told to endure to the end, even in the midst of many haters, false prophets and lawlessness. The sad thing is that even with these warnings throughout Scripture, many people are still being deceived daily.

My wife and I have seen such deception amongst those “professed believers” in Yah whether in organized religion or those of us that are awake to who we really are (heritage). We have seen people so into whatever it is that goes along with their lifestyles that they will just follow a person, group or movement that resemble them, without actually discerning the spirit behind the person they choose to follow. There are leaders that are leading people based on their opinions and the lifestyle that they choose to live while trying to make it seem scriptural. One only needs to STUDY and DISCERN to know a false deceptive leader from a true Yah sent one. There are Yisraelite women right now who are following a self-professed witch online that they have seen on a television show just because she is in a polyganynous relationship and dressing modestly. Right now there are people following sexually immoral leaders willfully, and they are defended their sexual immorality. There are people teaching that Yah is love and that He loves the sinner and that if you just repent (say I’m sorry everytime you do wrong which isn’t true repentance) then everything is beautiful, treating repentance like a “get out of jail free card.”  In times past, people misquoted Scripture to get those who were babes, novices or those not committed to studying and living the Word, now they don’t even need that!

 In 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 the premise is that the level of faithfulness or lack thereof puts someone in a position to be deceived just as Hawwah (Eve) was in the Garden. And Sha’ul/Paul stated that “if anyone comes preaching another Messiah, or if they receive a different spirit or message of the Good News that they didn’t accept, then they have put up with it well enough.” In Galatians 1:8 again he says “if we, or a messenger/angel bring a Good News to you beside what you have received then let them be cursed.” That is a warning to those who deceive especially in regards to Yah’s Word and His people. Anyone who believes that they are saved by their own righteousness or works is deceived already. Anyone who believes that they can do what they want and still make it in to the Kingdom of Yah deceived. Contrary to what some would have you believe, the wolves aren’t just dressing in suits, they come with robes, tzitzits, fringes, turbans, scrolls and understanding of the Ibri/Hebrew mindset, culture and customs, or have we forgotten what the whole book has shown us about Yisrael of the Scriptures not the fabricated one of the U.N.

 There are people claiming to follow Torah/Word, yet their heart, mouth and actions show whom they truly claim and serve. Many are only serving themselves and looking to get better posture/position for themselves not to help the whole. You are not truly a leader sent by Yah or even a brother or sister who truly loves their people if you are not willing to give up the me for the we, as well as actually doing it. You my friend are deceived. People have no problems in pointing out the issues or deficiency in others, but run and hide, get defensive and even bear false witness against others because they see that they are not what they tried to portray. Wanting to be pleasing to The Father means nothing if you don’t actually walk it out. Again, you are deceived! How can you have The Word, but no Holy Spirit, and how can you have the Holy Spirit but no Word? We live in a time that people would rather get stuff off line or listen and sound bite what someone else says (including someone’s opinion) instead of “studying to show themselves approved.”

Not only are people deceived, but a strong delusion has come over them as well. You can’t live your life based off of your/someone else’s interpretation of Scripture based on what you want to follow. People are deceived and delusional to really believe that the “original and renewed” covenant sides don’t mirror each other. There are too many self-appointed and proclaimed leaders, teachers, shepherds, apostles, prophets, evangelist spewing out heresies. Some of these people aren’t even aware that they aren’t moving in Yah’s power and commission because they have been deceived either by themselves are those close to them. We can’t look at division as a means to prove someone is deceptive, because Yah has always used division (i.e. holy vs unholy, clean vs unclean, faithful vs faithless, wheat vs tares, sheep vs goats; etc.) Division however tells you who is false/deceptive based on whether they are divided from Yah or not. Messiah wouldn’t have told us about “ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Matt 7:15) and Sha’ul warned Timothy about those deceivers in 2 Tim 3:5 who “have a form of reverence but deny it’s power.” 2 Thes 2:9-11 speaks about the “lawless one according to Satan’s work coming with all power and using lying signs and wonders and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing because they didn’t receive the love of truth in order to be saved and therefore Yah gave them a working/strong delusion so they can believe falsehood.”

Yah brings to light those who are deceivers and delusional workers, “who stray from His laws for falsehood is deceit” (Psa 119:118) all you need to do is study, be watchful and use discernment to “prove/try the spirits by The Spirit to see if it is of Yah” (1 John 4:1). A habitual backslider is strengthened in deceit and refuse to repent just like Yisrael in Jeremiah 8:5. In Jeremiah 14:14 we are even told that there were “prophets falsely prophesying in His name with false visions, worthless divination and the deceit of their own hearts.” This is still clearly going on today.

We are definitely in a time of great deception and delusion, which is just the set up for the Great Deception and Falling Away to come. Many people will begin to fall away and it won’t just be because they find out who the true people of the Scriptures are and what the Messiah really looks like either. Many of Yah’s own chosen people will fall off along with the Evangelicals, Anglicans and others of the Catholic and Protestant belief systems. Don’t fall off or better yet “don’t be deceived.” Jeremiah 17:9-10 says; “the heart is crooked/deceitful above all, and desperately sick, who shall know it? I Yahwah, search the heart, I try the kidneys, and give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.” The Hebrew word used for crooked/deceitful in that verse is aqob (aw-kobe) which means crooked from the angle of the ankle, crooked, deceitful and polluted. That denotes sin breaking your ankles to where you can’t walk right and instead walk crooked. It also says that the leb (heart) which means mind, inner man, will or heart, is anash(desperately sick) which also means incurable, woeful. Yah searches your inner man and proves your kilyah/kidneys which means inmost being, mind or inward parts and nathan/gives, appoints or divides based on the fruit produced by your works. We all “must give an account for everything said, thought and done” as Scripture has said and we will “reap what we have sown.” What will you reap come harvest time? Deceivers will find their end in Sheol/Hell swallowed up in the Lake of Fire. Where will you end up? “Take heed that no one leads you astray” (Matt 24:4).

Monday, January 8, 2018

The Seduction of Spell Casters

The enemy has always used mankind to do what he is unable to do on his own. Yes, Ha’Satan or Satan as you know him has authority/power and abilities, but he is powerless to do anything or move in anyone’s life unless there is an agreement with him giving him access. You might wonder how Satan is able to get this agreement from you. He gets it through influence or broadcasting something to and into you, which you will either reject or accept/agree to. When we look at Scripture, the “fallen ones” that Satan got to rebel against Yah the Father with him also had to be in agreement with his influence/broadcast. After that broadcast got him kicked out of Shamayim/Heaven, we see that his next broadcast/spell cast was in the Garden when he sent a signal out to Hawwah/Eve and she received his bandwidth. She agreed and tuned into his show and Adam accepted her “live-streaming” of Satan’s original broadcast and the rest was history. He has been broadcasting the same show to everyone since his first audience (some of the mal’ak/angels) tuned in up to present day. Satan was the first spell caster/sorcerer who worked witchcraft. The Ibri/Hebrew word for this is kashaph (kaw-shaf) which means to whisper a spell, to enchant or practice magic, sorcerer and use witchcraft.

Before radio or television was ever used to broadcast anything, mankind had “word of mouth” and writings/publications (i.e. scrolls, books, newspapers) as the methods for broadcasting to the masses. Those writings were outward manifestations of the spiritual broadcast. You were able to tell the strength as well as who the broadcaster was based on the actions of the people who picked up the reception. Yah/YHWH’s has The Word and Satan/Helel has a broadcast. Yah’s Word brought life, peace and tranquility (Shiloh) to the earth/garden and Satan’s broadcast brought separation and death. Even through Adam and Hawwah’s punishment, there was still a promise of life although hard. There was no such thing as the possibility of life with Satan’s deal. Cain and his line tuned into the broadcast of Helel/Satan and his fallen ones and we get that account of Bereshith/Genesis 6 (Nephillim and other creatures) bringing about the Flood in chapter 7. The Sumerians/Neo-Babylonians tuned in to Satan’s broadcast and became spell casters under Nimrod (grandson of Noah’s son Ham). From that time on all the nations (greatest to least) have tuned into the broadcasting. They all received knowledge at the cost of eternal life and their souls. Even Yah’s chosen people Yisrael tuned into the broadcast depending on the leader (antenna/tower) that was over them at the time.

The invention of the radio changed the game as many people tuned in to the broadcast starting with the infamous “War of the Worlds” programming that was actually a psy-op by the government to see how they could cast “influence” or spells upon the masses to alter their life through the direction of their minds via media/entertainment. Remember that sorcerers, witches; etc. only use proven spells that they know work through experience. In the beginning of modern broadcasting, newspaper and radio fought over advertisement rights (information that benefited them instead of the people). It was about whose, power/authority would be stronger and more influential to get the masses. Think of it like this, you have two witches one who is old and one “up and coming” who are trying to prove who is more influential for Satan. The one that he can get more influence to broadcast from is the winner and is given more broadcasting power and the loser is “offered up.” Television brought in an even greater base to cast spells upon the people as both radio and television are known as “major mass mediums.” It is well to note that mediums are also known as witches, sorcerers, soothsayers and workers of divination. Think about that for a moment.

Let us take a moment to look at the biggest broadcaster in the world which is “Hollywood.” Hollywood actually started in 1853 with one adobe hut and by 1870 it was a successful agricultural community. In 1887 real-estate tycoon Harvey Wilcox, LA Times publisher General Harrison Otis, H.J. Whitley and prominent business owner Ivar Weid laid the foundation for the Hollywood that you see today. They actually grew holly there for some time too. Holly is a plant that is of European origin, comprising of glossy, spiny leaves with fruit that is generally and slightly poisonous/toxic to humans causing vomiting and diarrhea. Holly thrives in the shade and crowds out native plants. It has become such an issue that Washington State has put it on their noxious weed control monitor list and Portland labeled it a Class C invasive plant (non-native problem plant). Holly is also known for it’s “spiritual” uses by all those in witchcraft and the dark arts. The magic wands are made from holly wood. The wands that were in the Harry Potter movies were all holly wood and witches said that they were actually casting real spells in the movies. Holly is dangerous to children who are attracted to it’s bright red berries and it can be fatal to children if 20 or more berries are eaten. European Gentile and Western European Gentile themed Christianity uses Holly for their representations of the Messiah (especially during Christmas which has nothing to do with Him). Heraldry (coat of arms) uses it to symbolize truth, Druids use holly for protection against evil spirits (that’s hilarious) and some Wiccans use holly to depict the “Holly King” also known to them as the Sun-god. The theme here of course deals with demonic, satanic and unrighteous things. Newpaper broadcast spells to your mind, radio to your ears and Hollywood/television to your mind, ears and eyes. Hollywood takes on the same persona as the holly plant. It is toxic, used for spell casting, crowds/congest what is native/natural and is fatal to children because it is attractive and shiny but also poisonous.

It is not coincidence that the term broadcasting is used when speaking of radio or television. Those two “mediums” have a wide or “broad” net that is cast out to reach and catch or ensnare many. Look what broadcasting has done to people from the beginning to present day. There was some type of knowledge/information that was given in the beginning and now what is pawned off as knowledge is really just knowledge of becoming a mindless eater or zombie. People pattern their lives/lifestyles off of broadcasted shows. They pattern beliefs and ideologies off of broadcasted views. They consume products, items and food based off of broadcast/influence. You can tell how much someone is tuned into the world’s media/entertainment broadcast by the outward manifestations (speech, clothing, behavior; etc.). When you can fight or argue with people over an artist, entertainer/show or even a political figure, you are tuned into the broadcast meant to influence your mind. Remember the war of the three broadcasters (paper, radio and television) was over advertisement. Advertisement catches and consumes one to consume. It is all advertisement! Satan has been selling advertisement since pride overtook him. It is probably safe to say that Pride actually was the first broadcaster of unrighteousness because it influenced/influences Satan/Helel.

We know that Satan was the first person to use or broadcast spells/witchcraft but we must remember that he has instructed others to do so as well. Satan hates all of Yah’s creation but he hates mankind most, for we are made in Yah’s image. And out of mankind there is a people who his hate is focused on even more and that is Yisrael (the chosen people). The law, righteousness, blessing and salvation/eternal life came from Yah through Yisrael. The hatred for “True Yisrael” (this must be stated because of the lies of the imposters for centuries) is so real that the majority if not all of his broadcasting is focused on or deals somehow with destroying Yisrael. The whole world is actually in the beginning stages of Yah’s judgement upon them for what they have done to His people as well as for their other sins, yet there are no broadcasts about that. It is either covered up or given a different account of the judgement. Crack was criminalized and decimated the Negro/Hebrew community in this country whether user or dealer, but the “opioid epidemic” needs funding for restorative care and no criminalization. The “war on drugs” was really code for “war on Negroes/Yisrael.” Studies have shown that mainstream media broadcasts consistently offer a warped/skewed view of Negroes/Hebrews. We represent 59% of the poor broadcasted but actually make up 27% of the low-income population in this country, while Caucasian Gentiles are depicted as 17% when they actually make up 66% of the country’s low-income population. Mainstream broadcasts depict 60% of welfare recipients as Negro/Hebrew when it is actually 25.7% also depicting them as lazy and inept although they are the ones who built this country and others across the world. Reagan broadcasted Negro/Hebrew women as “welfare queens,” when the face of the “welfare queen” is young, single Caucasian Gentile women with children. Caucasians accounted for 40.2% of welfare recipients and 10.3% of Hispanics per U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Broadcasts depict 37% of Negro/Hebrew families associated with criminality when it is actually 26% and they depict Caucasian Gentile families at 26% when in fact they constitute 77% of criminal activity arrests. The American Gentile family (mainly Caucasian) are seen as a socially stable family and not only is the Negro/Hebrew family broadcast as unstable, but also the factor for destabilization in families period. Right/White winged media is not the only culprits of this false ideological agenda themed broadcasts because it involves all parties and all nations. How else can it be considered “broad” without including everyone. “Dealing wisely with us” (Exodus 1:10) and consulting “crafty counsel against us” (Psalms 83:3). We even have fellow Yisraelites broadcasting against us on Satan’s behalf as well (look throughout the Script) so much that he even got Yehudah/Judas to tune in because of the seduction of his broadcast/advertisement, which has cast a spell upon him.

Many people are seduced with the spells of the enemy and those who follow him. Satan/Helel was seduced with the broadcast of self-grandeur, he broadcast that along with some of his advertisements to the “fallen,” and then he did the same thing with mankind since the Garden to the present. Yah is not going to “put a spell on you,” and He doesn’t need to bewitch you to get you to seek after what He offers. He doesn’t have to seduce you with constant advertisements. Aren’t you tired of being in agreement with the influence of Satan’s spell casting? Are you tired of giving him reign in and over your life through various broadcasts? If so, the first step is unplugging and tuning out. The time you spent in agreement with the seduction of his spells, needs to be doubled in tuning him out and tearing down those spiritual towers set to pick up his reception. Yahoshua states in Matt 6:24 and Luke 16:13 that “we can’t serve two masters, we will hate one and love the other” and then He ends it with saying that “you can’t serve Yah and wealth/treasure.” Satan uses disobedience/rebellion, lusts, dreams, distorted vision, emotion, tragedy, pleasure, demons, people; etc. to cast a spell on you by seducing you into agreement with him. You truly serve who you truly love and a wise person will want to serve and love someone who serves and loves them without measure.

1 John/Yochanan 2:15-16 says “don’t love the world or that which is in it and if you do, you don’t love the Father because all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life which is not of the Father but of the world.” Satan is a three-trick pony (3 bag of tricks) using the very things that got him ensnared, onto mankind. The three-headed broadcast medium (paper, radio and television) is shown in that three bag of tricks. Love Yah and turn the world off, or continue to be seduced, turned on and tuned in to the world broadcast and receive death and eternal damnation. Shalom….