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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Are You Condemned?

I was doing a little “road marching” earlier today and I noticed this house with a couple of condemned signs in the window. On the outside the house seemed somewhat okay, although you could see that some cosmetic things needed attention on the exterior. I then wondered what was wrong with the house to where it was condemned and began to think about the inside issues that must have been the problem. We can’t take things at face value and think that a building, house or even a person is safe, not realizing that the building/person may be condemned based on inner issues you don't see. When we look at people (using discernment), you can see if there is a condemn sign present or not. 
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What makes a house or building condemned? When it is unsafe, has been issued a warning and the owner has not made the necessary corrections. The owner is often given a certain amount of time to make the corrections before condemnation falls upon the structure. Habitual sinners and people who sympathize with sinners because of the sins they struggle with, always misquote and misinterpret “judge not," "he that is without sin" and say "Yahoshua hung around with sinners ," when you say something to them that is convicting (when scripturally done). When the “righteous” are actually speaking to that person/house, what we are doing is telling them they are unsafe, issuing a warning and telling them that there are corrections that need to be made in time before they are condemned. 
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When you look at Rom 8:1, we see that there is “no condemnation to those who are in (dwelling/living in) Yahoshua because they walk by the Spirit not the flesh.” Everybody always wants to quote Romans 8 without actually looking at what it is truly saying, who it is truly talking to and why it is needing to be said. For those who want to fight against the Torah/Law, why was Shau’l (Paul) saying there was no condemnation? If we look at the previous chapter 7, he was clearly still advocating following the Torah/Law. He said “he delights in the Torah of Elohim according to his inward man (spirit)” (Rom 7:22). He also said that “the law of his body battles the law of his mind making him captive to the law of sin in his body” (Rom 7:23). He then goes on to give “thanks to Yah through Yahoshua that with his mind he truly serves the Torah of Yah but with his flesh the torah of sin” (Rom 7:25). He is not habitually sinning in his flesh, but if his flesh sins, then it is now under the law of sin meaning that he is held responsible and must accept the punishment of the law of sin. By the time we get to Romans 8:1, we then understand why “those in Yahoshua are not condemned” and how we know they aren’t condemned is because of how they walk.

When Yohanan (John) The Immerser was preaching in the wilderness, he was telling people that their house (themselves) were deemed unsafe and he issued a warning to them about corrections that needed to be made in time before they were condemned. In “organized religion” when it was time for altar call, they would always sing “Come to Jesus, just now.” Not only were you told to come to Him, but it was imperative that it was done at that moment because you didn’t know if you would have another chance ever again. People of course feel that they have enough time, and many of them don’t realize that their time is up because of the refusal to heed the warning and correct somethings. It is not wise to dwell in or around an unsafe environment, building or person. Once you’ve warned a person through the message of the Word and they don’t make corrections, you’ll notice they have a condemned sign in their window (eyes) or even on their exterior (lifestyle). They even get upset when you point the sign out to them!
Image result for condemned houseRelated image

Are you taking heed to the warnings about your unsafe lifestyle, behavior or spirit? Many are walking around right now living and doing everything else, not knowing that they are walking around condemned, not because someone said they are but because they choose not to make the necessary corrections. Make sure that you aren't dwelling or linking up with someone/group that are deemed unsafe or condemned because it can cause injury or even death (that also goes for Congregations/Assemblies as well). I’ve noticed that every condemned building/house has no light on. Are you condemned? Check and see if your light is on… "Let your light so shine before all men that they may see your good works and glorify your Heavenly Father" (Matt 5:16)....