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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Counterfeit Agenda

What is a counterfeit you might ask? The Definition of counterfeit in the Oxford Dictionary is: an exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud; a fraudulent imitation of something.  A counterfeit is basically a “knock off” of something. I remember when I was younger in fourth grade when Jordan’s were out and I wanted a pair. My mother didn’t have the resources to get me a pair when I asked for some, so she did the next best thing and found a brand called “Hoops” that had a style that greatly resembled the Jordan’s that came out that year. I was perplexed when I saw them because they were not the real thing that I wanted, but I really had no choice but to accept them (especially since I didn’t have any money or job). I was also angry because I knew that my father would have sent me money to get them but I was not allowed to call and ask because I needed to learn that I can’t always expect to get what I wanted. As I put those shoes on I thought of how my peers would react when they saw them. I tried my best to mask them covering up the side of the shoe that the “swoosh” symbol would have been on with the hem of my pants, but to my dismay I was still found out. Someone noticed the shoes and went to praise the fact I got the new “J’s” only to realize by lifting the pant leg up that it was an imitation. Man, I got “clowned” so much that day and a few days after that for coming to school wearing counterfeit shoes. I learned a valuable lesson that day, which as an old song said “ain’t nothing like the real thing.”

Counterfeiting is something that has been going on since the Garden account. What do you think the serpent (Satan) was doing in the Garden when he was talking with Eve? He was selling her on the counterfeit (knock-off) making her think the price was cheaper but the quality was still great. Today isn’t this same thing still going on? The buying of “knock-off” purses, shoes, clothing, watches; etc. appeals to many because of the quantity that can be obtained even though the quality is not up to standard. People enjoy saying how much they saved by paying for counterfeit products with joy but as the products quickly degrade over time, some get upset and speak harshly of that very product’s lack of strength, endurance and durability. Yes sometimes the materials or the fabric of the original are of the same quality but that is not always the case. It is also known that the reason the cost is higher is not just because you are paying for the product quality but you are also paying sometimes more so for the name. We need to realize that when we are walking around with all these brands on, that we are walking around with someone’s name on us. As I said earlier how I was basically ashamed of the Hoops name by hiding the shoes, many of us are guilty of hiding the name of the Messiah (the original who is not a brand) even though we say we accepted His purchase of us through salvation. We must remember what Matthew 10:33 and Mark 8:38 says about “denying Him” and being “ashamed of Him before others.”

Someone might be wondering why the agenda part of the title is in there. Is it just because it sounds good or goes along with the title for aesthetic purposes? I assure you that is not the case; in fact, the reason the word agenda is part of the title is because of what the definition of agenda means. An agenda is basically an appointment diary or list of things to be talked about in a meeting. Agenda meetings and the fruits of those meetings are going on every day without many thinking or caring about it. Everyone has their own agenda at some point in life, but we are talking about a specific agenda meeting that has and is going on to date even as I type this. The counterfeit agenda meeting that is going on now involves the leaders of many nations who sit and commune, summon and meet with the forces of darkness. Satan is the head of the Counterfeit Agenda meeting and many of his plans have come to pass in the earth. In the parable of the Kingdom from Matthew 13:24-30 we learn of the account of what KJV calls the “wheat and the tares (it is actually a darnel).” The parable gives us insight about how a man sowed good seed in his field and an enemy/adversary came and while he slept and sowed the counterfeit seed among the good. They were not aware of what happened until both started to come up, to which at that time the servants came and told what was done to the Master of that field asking didn’t he sow good seed and he let them know that although he had, there was an enemy that “came and did this.” Of course the servants wanted to get rid of the issue right away but were told by the Master to let them grow together until harvest and the “reapers” will deal with the counterfeit first and then harvest the good seed afterward. Notice the scripture says “while men slept” and not the Master. The servants fell asleep but the Master knew what would come as He was the one that told the servants what had been done. In the Garden, the Master (Yahweh) was not asleep when the enemy came in and sowed a counterfeit seed among His good seed. The counterfeit was and has been allowed to grow among us as a testament and a sign. You can’t uproot sin out of your life because it is attached to you and by uprooting it you will also take the good seed with it. Your job is to continue to nurture and grow that good seed that is sown in you and let the reapers do their appointed job of gathering and burning the counterfeit. The whole “rapture” incident is also a counterfeit message. With this parable who was taken first? The counterfeit. When scripture says as in the day of Noah so will it be again at the second coming, what was being done and who was taken? Who was saved and remained? In the ten virgins’ parable, the door was shut after the five wise came in and the other five where shut out. Isn’t that the same thing that happened with the Noah account with Yah shutting them in and shutting the sinful out for judgement? Matthew 24 sheds light, one taken and one left. Again we think the one taken was the one “raptured” in to heaven but what did He say in that chapter? The wicked were taken and the righteous were saved. Why are we told to endure and what is given to the one who endures if you are going to be taken before all the wickedness really starts? You learn to endure through tribulations not by getting away from them. He takes us in or shields us while he judges the wicked, hence safety in His arms and hiding us in His pavilion or even being as the mother bird who shields her young under her wing from the destruction of the enemy.

What are the fruits that have sprung up from the counterfeit agenda seed you may ask? We have counterfeit love being fed to the masses through false ideologies of love. The “free love” movement didn’t mean to love everybody freely in the sexual sense, it meant to love the way the Messiah calls for us to love each other in the pure love. Counterfeit says love conditionally, Love says love unconditionally. Counterfeit food looks the same but has death in it which has and is causing many illnesses, cancers, mental issues; etc., while pure food actually gives longevity of life and health to body, mind and even helps the spirit. Counterfeit healing via physical or spiritual never actually heals you, just keeps you in need of the very thing that is killing you while Healing actually fixes your issue. Counterfeit “church” teaches you antiquated doctrines of men to cause divisions in the body. It teaches people that you don’t have to actually live out what you profess and that you can still be pleasing to Yah and go to heaven if you just say “I’m sorry” without really meaning it. It focuses on everything other than Yahweh and His Word. The Body, Congregation, Assembly gives the pure unadulterated truth and brings about conviction, repentance, fruits of the spirit; etc. Counterfeit says you can do whatever you want because the Father understands while truth says you have to live by His guidelines.

In closing, Satan gives you an imitation of what is truly valuable (life and true relationship) to intentionally deceive you. He willfully gives you a “knock-off” to knock you off into eternal peril. You can get away with being cheap on somethings but your life and eternal well-being should not be cheap to you. Your relationship with Yahweh should be valuable and important to you. Satan bought into the counterfeit which was himself and has been selling mankind on it ever since. Observe for yourselves what the Scriptures has told us and what has already come to pass so far and you will begin to see the counterfeit as you actually look at it. My counterfeit shoes where discovered because they looked like something which drew people to them but upon examination they were found out to be a fraud. What will people find out when they examine you…?