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Friday, July 29, 2016

Knowledge vs. Ignorance

The saying “knowledge is power” does have truth to it; however, wisdom is the key that unlocks that power and without that, you are not able to fully move in the power of that knowledge. What we also have to realize is that, “ignorance also is power.” Ignorance empowers those with knowledge to keep you ignorant. Ignorance empowers you to be bound, enslaved, unfocused and falling for any and everything. We have believers that are truly ignorant to God and true knowledge of Him that they are powerless to manifest His will in the spiritual and natural realm because of the “lack of knowledge” and therefore suffer (Hosea 4:6). Today, the nation that Scripture talks about doesn’t have knowledge of their true heritage. Their heritage has been assimilated by converts. Today people don’t have true knowledge of actual factual history (what really happened) and thus show the power of ignorance through their commentaries of historical events when proof says otherwise. Today schools are giving watered down knowledge and corrupting the minds of our future legacies with ignorance to pump out drones that will do the bidding for the system to come. Today companies are putting GMO’s in our food and beverages to aid in our “dumbing down.” Today people still choose to put their head in the ground, feign ignorance or just outright refuse to accept true knowledge to see what is going on around them. When we read Luke 12:35-48, how many of us truly get what is being said? What is the Messiah talking about? He is talking about KNOWLEDGE! The watching servants had knowledge of the fact that He could come back at any time so let us be about this work so we are ready when He comes. The servant that had no knowledge of his master’s return and also chose not to be knowledgeable on how to conduct himself because of that was judged, but the one with knowledge, who chose to be IGNORANT got tore up! “To whom much is given, much is required” isn’t talking about material things people! It is talking about KNOWLEDGE! When He said to “watch as well as pray” how can you truly watch without knowledge of what and why you are watching, let alone knowing what to truly pray for?

In the Garden account in Genesis, the serpent (Satan) got to Eve by promising knowledge that she was ignorant to realize she already had access to by having Yahweh. There was a reason the tree was in the Garden along with the tree of Life. The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was not just there to test them, but I also believe that it was there to let them know that in His timing they would be allowed to obtain that knowledge. Do you always share everything that is in your house with your children or do you wait until they are ready to receive that thing in “due season?” He said to Adam “eat of every tree but that one, because when YOU (in your own knowledge and understanding and power) eat of it, you die.” I admit that there is something alluring about knowledge, but you have to look at first off what type of knowledge am I looking to obtain and secondly, what am I sacrificing to get that knowledge. The serpent appealed to Eve’s desire for knowledge (power) that she looked passed the payment (sacrifice) to get the purchase and instead of Adam saying this cost too much it has to go back, he condoned the payment by partaking in it. Don’t we do this today with our “purchases?”

The sad thing in that account that still shows up today is the fact that KNOWLEDGE was chosen over LIFE! The tree of Eternal Life was there and instead of eating from that they chose the wrong tree. God IS knowledge and if that would have been enough for Eve, she wouldn’t have been swayed or tempted by the serpent. Her selfish ambition and desire to bypass Yah (God) to get a form of knowledge (godliness) while denying the power thereof (getting and understanding it through God) caused death. You can’t get anything to its fullness without going through Him. Whenever anyone has tried to bypass God, they died a certain death from Satan and the Fallen (eternal/spiritual) to mankind (physical and spiritual) and everything on this earth. Again the Father never said that they would never obtain that knowledge, he basically said don’t you go to it yourself because it will kill you. He provided everything for them already so, why wouldn’t they trust provision for knowledge as well? Today people do the same thing looking again to that serpent (Satan) to get knowledge of various things because they refuse to “wait on the Lord.” When you look at earlier civilizations; Egypt in particular, you can clearly see that those people were tapped in spiritually with demonic activity. Who do you think taught them the technology that they were using even back then? Electricity as we know it hadn’t been “invented” yet, but somehow they had light bulbs to use in places that couldn’t receive light from torches because they would continue to blow out? Who do you think all those false gods they worshipped were? They were the Fallen, demons who promised knowledge and got people to sacrifice life for them and their knowledge. Satan and the Fallen had knowledge of Yahweh, but they didn’t have true knowledge and understanding of who He is, or else they never would have tried Him. Lucifer was more knowledgeable of himself than of the one he was meant to serve. 2 Peter 2:20-22 gives insight on people that gained knowledge of the Messiah only to go back to the very ignorance of this world, giving up righteousness for mess are just like a washed pig going back to the mud and a dirty dog eating its vomit.

Man is trying to use knowledge to find a way to live forever. The head of Google is spending billions of dollars to make this possible. What do you think all these high ranking government officials and other people that are a part of these secret society shadow groups are doing? Why do you think they are able to perform the atrocities that they have and will do in the future? They allow themselves to be inhabited and used by the enemy because of the promise of knowledge and eternal life in Satan’s kingdom. They don’t want to wait on God so they go to the enemy. Nobody looked at the boom in technological advancements when it happened and questioned where the knowledge came from, they just accepted it and thought it was cool. We wanted to believe so much that we were just that mentally advanced (in pride). Yes the Father has given us good mental capacity but we have to be real with ourselves, a lot of this stuff we have now didn’t come from us getting it through trial and error with these technologies. Technology is good but all this technological advancement was implemented by the enemy to bridge everybody together to make them easier to control and to bring about his world domination/enslavement agenda that we read about in Scripture. Technology in itself is not bad, but look at what we have become. We don’t read books unless we use technology, we prefer technology to communicate instead of actually sitting and talking to each other. We are so use to swiping, downloading, and going online to look for things that we forgot how to actually find things on our own and study. The more knowledgeable people become, the less they feel that they need God. Their knowledge becomes their God and thing they worship. Yes today we have gained more knowledge than our predecessors, yet we are more ignorant than they ever were. Common sense is in very short supply today. So I say to you, how much is that knowledge that you are truly seeking worth and what are you willing to give up for it? Yes there is power in knowledge, but remember ignorance has power too….

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