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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Your Assignment

We as Christians all have assignments. The general assignment that we all share is to “go ye therefore teaching and sharing the Gospel with everyone” (Matt 28:18-19). Remember when you were in school and you were given an assignment?  Once the assignment was given you were then given a deadline to complete it by. Some of us always waited until the last minute before we decided to do the work and that caused us to turn in just anything. It would be “surfacey”, it wouldn’t have any fullness and sometimes we might not have gotten it finished in time, so we either turned in unfinished work or we didn’t get the chance to turn it in at all. Those who started the moment the assignment was given had time to get things put together and that was with the “heads up” on the deadline. They were usually the ones’ who got an A. The ones who waited until the last minute are usually the ones who got D’s or F’s and every now and then they might skate by with a C. We as Christians don’t have the luxury of knowing what our deadline is. That deadline is when we leave this earth through death! Since we don’t know when our deadline is, we should be very active in starting and working on our assignment. Yes we all have the general assignment that God has given each one of us, but we also have specific assignments/missions that the Lord tasks us with to complete in our lives. It is not by chance that we find ourselves in certain situations, positions; etc. It isn’t a coincidence that you get the unction to minister to someone. You are meant to shine a light and direct people to Jesus in the way that he has given you to do it. He has bestowed all of us with gifting for our assignments.

The enemy wants to keep you from your assignment, because of the power in that assignment. Have you noticed when you start moving in the will or direction of God’s purpose on your life, how certain obstacles or things suddenly arise? As long as you do nothing you see nothing. The adversary loves you not doing your assignment (your calling). He doesn’t fear you; he fears the assignment put on you because of the One who gave you the assignment. “I must do the work of Him who sent me” (John 9:4) scares him. You actually going out sharing the Gospel scares him! Satan was sweating bullets when Jesus came (because it was Jesus) and also because of the assignment. He tried to stop the assignment by Herod’s murdering those 2 and younger. He tried throwing him off the assignment after the 40 day/night fasting. He tried with inciting Jesus betrayal by Judas that ultimately brought Him to “the Cross” thinking that would end it, only to play a part in the fulfilling of the Lord’s assignment anyway. If he tried it with Jesus, what makes you any different? Satan does everything to stop you from starting your assignment and if he can’t stop that he will do everything he can to keep you occupied with troubles, false blessings, snares; etc. He will become that nagging question/problem on a test that we get stuck on instead of moving forward and answering the others before coming back to the one we struggled with. And we know what happened when we stayed on one question/problem too long don’t we? It threw off the whole test and possibly even cost us a passing grade. That usually happened because of bad study habits (namely not studying at all or last minute).

We have to do a Paul did when he said he is “pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:14). We have to start our assignments early so that we can give it our all, because we never know when our deadline will come. Remember the ten virgins; five wise and five foolish? All of them were given the same one task which was wait for the Bridegroom with lamps trimmed and lit. The wise knew what they had to do to fulfill the assignment and took oil with them (they studied). The foolish took no oil and waited last minute to try and acquire some (they didn’t study). See, people asking for help with an assignment because of no effort on their part to study started way back then! God doesn’t give us our deadline date because he knows that we will wait until the last minute. There are only 2 grades you will get, either an A “well done” or an F “depart from me.” How much studying and work are you willing to do?

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