In Genesis 15:18 Yah then told Abram that he was giving the land to Abram’s seed. Abram was to inherit the land to leave it as an inheritance for his seed. Abram was not going to actually enjoy any of the inheritance that he was inheriting to give over to his seed. Neither one of our patriarchal fathers (Abraham, Yitshaq, or Ya’aqob) ever got to enjoy the land. The purpose for the land being inherited by Abraham was to leave for his descendants. Even in Abraham’s name his character is fully representative of what he was meant to do. Abraham means exalted/high father and a good father always leaves an inheritance for his seed. We Hebrews have always left inheritance to our seed following in Abraham’s footsteps until we got into this second Mitsrayim/Egypt (and final) captivity. Hebrews went from leaving a legacy/inheritance to leaving debt or nothing at all. We have built this nation like all the other ones we were captives in, but what do we have to show for it. We don’t even leave knowledge of our history or the works that our ancestors in this country has done as a legacy/inheritance. Our people don’t know that when they use a tablet, computer, stop light, mailbox, get a blood transfusion, open heart surgery or many of the various things they use on a daily basis that the origin of that was from a Hebrew mind and Hebrew hands. Our people are the number one consumer in the world but have no inheritance to leave their seed. Our women are the number one consumer of beauty products but no inheritance even in that. Case in point, Madame C.J. Walker (a Hebrew) was the one who started the beauty and hair care line for Hebrew women because the Gentiles didn’t care nor make anything for our women and she became a millionaire success story. Yet, when you look at who runs the beauty care lines that our Hebrew women frequent, none of them are Hebrew owned! The hair care products are run by Koreans, Chinese and occasionally Arab Gentiles. The skin care and other beauty products are run by the European Gentiles. Not one Hebrew has received the inheritance of any beauty products from Madame Walker. That inheritance went to Gentiles based on what we see today. When a Hebrew does make a product line, either we don’t support it fully or they end up selling out and giving it over to the Gentiles who want it once they see they can make money off of it. It is very sad and eye opening to realize that the “people of inheritance” actually leave no inheritance except the one that has followed us since the last straw of disobedience to our Abba Yah which is the curses that He said would follow us. We leave an inheritance of death, violence, murder, bitterness, molestation, rape, rage, depression, unforgiveness, gossiping, covetousness, early death, abortion, prostitution in all facets; etc.
All these things have happened to us as prophesied when Yah said in Deutoronomy 30:1-9 when He says “AFTER the blessings AND the curses have come upon us, that when we brought all that back to mind and turned back to Him like 2 Chronicles 7:14 said with ALL of our heart and being, that He would turn back our captivity from ALL the nations (not 3 countries in Europe) that we are held in. He would gather us and bring us back to the land of our inheritance that our father’s possessed and will increase us more than them. Yah would then put ALL the curses that were upon us on our enemies and He will rejoice over us for good as He did our fathers. Halleluyah!!!! Our inheritance was given up more than it was taken from us. We gave it up through disobedience and through the refiners fire (Yah’s punishment through captivity) we have been made pure for those who endure to the end. We have an inheritance Yisrael that is greater than what we have come to know in this final captivity. The mixed multitude/the stranger (grafted in) that is among us and with us will also enter in with us and dwell with us. We must go back to our inheritance which is Yah through His Son Yahoshua in the power of the Ruach/Spirit, to receive our inheritance again. To Yehudah, Benyamin and Lewi (southern kingdom) in this country and scattered abroad and to the 10 tribes (northern kingdom) dispersed throughout the continent of Ham (Africa), what inheritance are we going to leave our seed?
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