Here is something that you might find interesting. The Hebrew word for pole is nec (pronounced nace) which means: flag, sail, ensign, sign, signal, banner, token, distinguishing mark, warning, standard. Now let us look at a place that men love to frequent. It is a place that has poles as the coming attraction. These places are known as strip clubs. Notice that those poles are a signal, banner, token, flag, sail, standard. Those poles are rally points that signal people to come to them. A rally point is a distinguishing mark that lets us know where to go, it is also used as a warning. The pole is a distinguishing mark because of what it represents and who is on it. The distinguishing mark is a scantily-clad woman enticing through dance, to music that puts you in a trance. The woman is signaling on the signal (pole turning men even women) away from sober mindedness and prosperity (their increase). That stripper pole is the enemy’s flag that he puts down, it is his banner or his token to those who will give into it. When you pick up the frequency or signal from that “sin tower/pole” then that becomes a standard for you. Many people can’t wait until they receive their check so they can go to “the club” and spend their whole check (the standard). When sin becomes a standard/pole then there is a big problem. That stripper pole is akin to it’s predecessor the “maypole” which is a pagan ritual dancing around a maypole on May day. You also might find it interesting that “mayday” is an emergency procedure word/distress signal. Again that “pagan pole” is the enemy’s banner for ritual dancing around it as well as a frequency/signal that becomes a distress call for those drawn into it!
In Hebrew the word “father” is spelled with two letters; Al/Aleph and Bet. The letter al/aleph means “chief, teacher, leader” and the letter bet means “house, tent or family.” When you put both letters together you get Ab or Abba or Father in English. The father is basically the strength, support and structure of the house. He was/is to be the commander of the “family army,” provider, teacher and priest ushering the family into worship of the true and living Yah. The father was meant to be the pole (nec) of the family to which everyone would rally around, seeing him as a sign, signal and standard. What the enemy decided to do was to corrupt the father and then his final plan was to remove the father altogether. I will touch this subject briefly because it will be for a future topic of more depth later. Many of the young ladies that you see straddling and swinging from the poles in these strip clubs do it because the pole that should have been their standard and signal (Father) was not in their life to teach them properly. The pole that they swing from gets them the attention, adoration and love (false) that they didn’t get from a true father. They use that structure to spiral up and down which also shows what has happened to them spiritually because they had no true standard (father) to command, provide, teach and usher them into relationship with Yah. Yes there are some there that may have had a father in their life, but the majority of them that dance on that pole, if you do your research, you will find out that their father was sparsely or non-existent in their lives. Look closely at the demise of my Hebrew people especially those of us in this country. The majority of those Hebrew women in those “strip clubs” have never had a true relationship with their father. Many of them probably don’t even know who their father is. The system has done everything within it’s power to see to that! I am in no way taking the responsibility off of those “dead beat dads” for not being there, but let us not be ignorant to what has and is continuously happening today.
The poles that are used by the strippers today are mostly made of metal (brass, steel, titanium) but originally the poles that were used where made of wood. Go with me to the first book of the Bible Genesis/Bereshith and look at the “Garden Account.” Remember that there was a specific tree that they were not to eat from correct? Remember how in chapter 3 the nahash/serpent came to the woman and told her what she wanted to hear, just like the two legged snakes do today. He got her to look at that tree/pole and see that she could get all the things that she wanted by partaking of it’s fruit, the same way pimps/club owners do to the women today. The woman Hawwah (her name in Hebrew not Eve) partook of that tree/pole and received of it’s fruit once Adam her husband also partook. The serpent used the tree/pole to get the woman in league with him to get the man to come in based on her allure. Remember that both of them were naked and remember how Adam responded once Yah brought the woman to him (read Gen 2:23-25). Adam willfully gave up his inheritance by partaking in the fruit of the tree/pole that his woman had brought to him. This has been happening since that time up to present day.
In Judges 4:17-22, the general Sisera came into the tent/house of Heber the Kenite fleeing Baraq/Barak. That tent was a rally point because the pole of the house (Heber) was a friend to Sisera’s king Yabin/Jabin. He went to that place looking for peace and entrusted his inheritance of life and leadership at that pole only to lose it at the hand of Heber’s wife Jael (who did a righteous deed by helping the Yisraelites). Notice even in that account that there was a tent pole holding up that house (Heber and the actual pole) and that a hammer and stake was used to end a war and save Yah’s people from their enemy (just like what happened with the Messiah on Golgotha). In Numbers/Bemidbar 21:8-9 Yah told Moshe to put a bronze serpent on a “pole” and when the people who had been bitten by fiery serpents as punishment for speaking against Yah looked upon it they would live. Again we see the pole being a sign, signal, warning, distinguishing mark and standard. That account also gives a prelude to the account that happened with our Messiah Yahoshua. The Messiah said if He was lifted up as a standard, sign, banner, distinguishing mark on the pole known as the stake or cross He would bring people to Him, making them alive through salvation/redemption and rebirth (John 3:14-15, 8:28 and 12:32). You can not help but see that there is truly power in the pole/nec. The power of the pole is based on who the father is. Adam and Hawwah left the house of their Abba (pole/nec) and Tree of Life by the allure of the serpent, to come under his house (pole/nec) and dance around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil giving up their inheritance. But as always, Yah will not be out done and His perfect will is still going to be done in the lives of His creation. A tree/pole was used to get mankind to give up his inheritance and a tree/pole was used to help mankind get it back. It is not a coincidence that one of the titles of our Messiah is “the root of Yishai/Jesse”(Isa 11:10; Rom 15:12). Isaiah 11:10-16 brings me joy as it shows a fulfillment of future prophecy for my dispersed people that Yah is standing as a banner (nec/pole) and that “He will raise a banner for the nations and GATHER THE OUTCASTS OF YISRAEL (Israel) AND ASSEMBLE THE DISPERSED OF YEHUDAH (Judah) FROM THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH.”
There is power in the nec/pole but the strength of that power again is based on who is the chief, leader, Abba that represents that pole. It is not a coincidence that in my native Hebrew language, we have a title for Yah which is Yahwah/Yahuah Nissi, which means Yah is my banner (nec/pole). Who is yours????
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