censors (plural noun)
an official who
examines material that is about to be released, such as books, movies, news,
and art, and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically
unacceptable, or a threat to security.
(in ancient Rome)
either of two magistrates who held censuses and supervised public morals.
censors (third person present)
examine (a book,
movie, etc.) officially and suppress unacceptable parts of it.
When we look at censor/censorship we see
that it is more so based on hiding something that is deemed inappropriate or
offensive. Back in the day certain words, lifestyles and even music were
censored but when we look at present day, the only thing that seems to be censored
a lot is the truth! True Yisrael knows this very untimely truth, for we have
been under censorship since being kidnapped and brought here and abroad. I
remember when nakedness, sexual things, foul language, violence; etc., was censored/hidden,
and now it is today’s norm. People don’t fight to censor hearing about animal
cruelty but when it comes to talking about the cruelty that the true children
of Yisrael face across this world then censorship. Homosexuality is paraded around
as a bastion of courage and acceptance in today’s society, while “true Yisrael”
has been showing courage through the midst of centuries of unspeakable and
unfathomable acts against then (including the 399 years of some of Yehudah held
captive in this country).
We live in a time
where “white inferiority” (because they would have to be superior for it to be
supremacy) is no longer hidden/censored. All these white hate groups have been
taken off the FBI extremist list, while BIE (Black Identity Extremist) which is
basically any “black” people (Negro/Yisraelite) who speak up about their
identity is all over their list. Notice that this category didn’t come about
until the “awakening” of Yah’s true chosen people started to pick up steam. Now
the censorship comes in.
With all that
being said, there are certain “fringe” groups of Yisraelites that are not being
censored. You have to ask yourself why that is. Certain “camps” are allowed to
spew vitriol and actual hate speech on the street corners and even on social
media, while other Yisraelites that don’t subscribe to that nonsense are having
their social media avenues shut down via censorship because it doesn’t fit social
media “community” criterium. Some of us even have mysterious technical issues
with equipment as well as issues with internet service that are also forms of
censorship, while others don’t. A white man recently killed 2 elder Yisraelites
in Kentucky after a locked church door thwarted his plan to imitate the SC
church massacare. The media and even the police down there are having a hard
time calling that hateful act a “hate crime” because there isn’t enough
evidence to fully corroborate that, while media outlets and political figures
including the pharaoh of this country flat out denounced what happened recently
in Pittsburgh as a hate crime and crime against humanity.
We are
indoctrinated through “history,” to remember 12 years of oppression by one
specific group every year and even with the recent thing that has befallen
their community, while at the same time we must be censored when bringing to remembrance
the 399 years of oppression/affliction of the 400 year prophecy that was given
about Yah’s actual people (Gen 15:13-14).
There has always been an agenda to fully censor/suppress one group of people
out of the entire world. Everything about Yah’s chosen people is censored accept
for the negative that is mostly engineered and fabricated by those in power (not
taking responsibility away from Yisraelites doing wrong). We speak up about our
true identity and now we are accused of hate speech and supremacy. We march
against injustice and we are deemed rioters. We refuse to stay silent about the
truly evident countless atrocities against humanity (hue-man or man of color)
and we are labeled extremist/terrorist, without ever blowing up any buildings
or reigning terror on anyone. History does prove that we have been terrorized
since being here and across the world. We are told to remember everyone else’s plight,
but we must censor ourselves and be silent about what is still prevalent in our
lives today. This country says never forget, when talking about Pearl Harbor,
WWII and even 911, but when it comes to hearing the voice of Yah’s oppressed people
with daily “fresh” incidents that we go through, we are to told to be quiet.
Our issues are censored and are only now receiving some sort of air time
because of people using camera phones and social media to bring daily life for
us to the “main-stream.”
Who has written
this narrative? The imposter, the identity thieves of “true Yisrael.” There is
only one group in the world that you can’t say anything against. There is one
group that basically holds all of the cards with global control over the media,
banking, sovereign heads of state; etc. Scripture clearly tells us that the
children of Yisrael would be at the bottom everywhere they went leading to the
time of Mashiach’s (Messiah’s) return.
Scripture says that there will be no might/power in the hand of Yisrael leading
up to the time of Mashiach’s return. Scripture says that no one would help/redeem
Yisrael or bring them back to their land, except Yah doing it at the appointed
time (not agreements with world leaders). Scripture says Yisrael would be
enslaved, oppressed, afflicted and captured as a sign leading up to Mashiach’s
return. Scripture says that Yisrael (the land and even the people) would be
trodden under foot by Gentiles until their time has ended. Is there anyone you
know of experiencing what the Scriptures say about “true Yisrael” and the signs
that would point to them? Has any of this happened to those who claim our
The Truth/Word is
even censored in “churches” as well as Congregations/Assemblies (which is what
we were actually called based on Scripture). When I was in “organized religion”
I always heard about how the world was trying to censor the Word, but I saw
just as much if not more censorship in the “church,” from leadership on down.
What do you think you are guilty of doing when you say the Scripture doesn’t
say what it clearly does? What do you think you are doing when you pick and
choose what to preach/teach that fits your narrative and opinion instead of giving
the unadulterated truth? What are you doing as a pastor when you tell someone that
their job is to “preach people happy and leave the teaching to me because I
know what they need?” As a shepherd/pastor, I won’t let anybody teach or preach
to the Congregation Yah has appointed to me if they are not in line with and
living the Word (the whole book). People need the Word for edification, reproof
and being set straight (2 Tim 3:16).
What do they have if you censor the very thing that will help them accomplish
Yah’s plan for their life?

The censorship is
going to get even worse as “the powers that be” are finding new ways and
constructing more laws to tighten their grip on truth. The identity thieves are
now stating that they are in league with said powers to crack down on those who
they say are trying to steal their identity, as they take a stand to take their
identity back (isn’t that ironic). Again, the children of Yisrael are
prophesied to have no might or power leading up to Mashiach returning,
therefore; they would not have the power to make people cease and desist from
speaking out against them. The censorship has an end date as Scripture shows
that the world will know and have to admit who the true children of Yisrael are
(Isa 61:9; 62:1-12; Jer 33:9; Ezek
28:25-26; 36:23-28; Rev 2:9; 3:9
to name a few Scriptures). “What was concealed/censored is being uncovered and
what is hidden/censored will be known” (Luke
True Yisrael it is
time for us to stand up for our Abba Yah, the Word, OURstory (Scripture) and
our culture. Those companions/strangers (grafted in) who are among us, you must
stand with us against the lies, misinterpretation, miseducation and censorship
as well. You can’t censor Yah or the move of Yah, and you can’t honestly censor
the truth because it will always come out. Shalom….
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