“And as He
sat on the Mount of Olives, the taught ones came to Him separately, saying, “Say
to us, when shall this be, and what is the sign of Your coming, and of the end
of the age?” And Yahoshua answering, said to them, “Take heed that no one leads
you astray” (Matt 24:3-4).”
Yahoshua spoke to His limmudim/disciples in Matt 24:1-2, notice that he first
spoke of the Holy/Set Apart buildings being destroyed and that not one stone
would be left of any of them. After that the question was asked; “when will this
happen, what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age.” After those
questions remember that the first thing that came out of Yahoshua’s mouth was “don’t
be deceived.” As you read further in the chapter you recognize that He started
breaking many things down concerning the end times, but the one that was most
profound to me is “don’t be deceived.” The whole chapter can actually be summed
up in “don’t be deceived,” as He took time throughout to warn them of future
prophecy. Why was His concern about
making sure that they and us today aren’t deceived?
We look over
in the homeland of my people and they have this wall up called the “wailing
wall,” which they have dignitaries and people around the world putting prayers
in and gyrating all over this wall, thinking that they are praying at a piece
of the temple wall that was left. The Messiah Himself, stated that “NOT ONE STONE
24:2). Yet we have people going there since the the “jewish state” of Yisrael
has taken over. Wouldn’t it take some major deception to have people going to see
and praying to a structure that Yahoshua clearly said wouldn’t be there after
70 A.D.? Wouldn’t it take major deception for a false people to live as the
true people and to get everyone to buy into it? Now this blog is not meant to
tell the true Yisraelites from imposters, who have enough sense to not call
themselves Yisraelites. Truthful study
of the Scriptures alone tells who the true people are and what marks them
(along with other evidence). However; there needed to be a reminder given that this
is about deception and delusion.
that Yahoshua said would follow after verse 4 has come, is in the process of
coming and will also be fulfilled in the near and distant future. Many are
saying they are the second coming of Messiah (even in the Yisraelite
communites) and many fall into the deception of these false ones. Nations are warring
or getting ready for war, hearts are growing colder everyday, judgements are
upon all nations through famine, disease and earthquakes (especially this country).
But even in the midst of this, Yah’s people (including the grafted in) are told
not to be troubled by any of this because it is a sign of His coming. We are
told to endure to the end, even in the midst of many haters, false prophets and
lawlessness. The sad thing is that even with these warnings throughout Scripture,
many people are still being deceived daily.
My wife and
I have seen such deception amongst those “professed believers” in Yah whether
in organized religion or those of us that are awake to who we really are
(heritage). We have seen people so into whatever it is that goes along with
their lifestyles that they will just follow a person, group or movement that
resemble them, without actually discerning the spirit behind the person they
choose to follow. There are leaders that are leading people based on their
opinions and the lifestyle that they choose to live while trying to make it
seem scriptural. One only needs to STUDY and DISCERN to know a false deceptive
leader from a true Yah sent one. There are Yisraelite women right now who are following
a self-professed witch online that they have seen on a television show just
because she is in a polyganynous relationship and dressing modestly. Right now
there are people following sexually immoral leaders willfully, and they are
defended their sexual immorality. There are people teaching that Yah is love
and that He loves the sinner and that if you just repent (say I’m sorry
everytime you do wrong which isn’t true repentance) then everything is
beautiful, treating repentance like a “get out of jail free card.” In times past, people misquoted Scripture to
get those who were babes, novices or those not committed to studying and living
the Word, now they don’t even need that!
In 2
Corinthians 11:1-4 the premise is that the level of faithfulness or lack thereof
puts someone in a position to be deceived just as Hawwah (Eve) was in the
Garden. And Sha’ul/Paul stated that “if anyone comes preaching another Messiah,
or if they receive a different spirit or message of the Good News that they
didn’t accept, then they have put up with it well enough.” In Galatians 1:8
again he says “if we, or a messenger/angel bring a Good News to you beside what
you have received then let them be cursed.” That is a warning to those who deceive
especially in regards to Yah’s Word and His people. Anyone who believes that
they are saved by their own righteousness or works is deceived already. Anyone
who believes that they can do what they want and still make it in to the
Kingdom of Yah deceived. Contrary to what some would have you believe, the
wolves aren’t just dressing in suits, they come with robes, tzitzits, fringes,
turbans, scrolls and understanding of the Ibri/Hebrew mindset, culture and
customs, or have we forgotten what the whole book has shown us about Yisrael of
the Scriptures not the fabricated one of the U.N.
There are
people claiming to follow Torah/Word, yet their heart, mouth and actions show
whom they truly claim and serve. Many are only serving themselves and looking
to get better posture/position for themselves not to help the whole. You are
not truly a leader sent by Yah or even a brother or sister who truly loves
their people if you are not willing to give up the me for the we, as well as
actually doing it. You my friend are deceived. People have no problems in
pointing out the issues or deficiency in others, but run and hide, get
defensive and even bear false witness against others because they see that they
are not what they tried to portray. Wanting to be pleasing to The Father means
nothing if you don’t actually walk it out. Again, you are deceived! How can you
have The Word, but no Holy Spirit, and how can you have the Holy Spirit but no
Word? We live in a time that people would rather get stuff off line or listen
and sound bite what someone else says (including someone’s opinion) instead of “studying
to show themselves approved.”
Not only are
people deceived, but a strong delusion has come over them as well. You can’t
live your life based off of your/someone else’s interpretation of Scripture
based on what you want to follow. People are deceived and delusional to really
believe that the “original and renewed” covenant sides don’t mirror each other.
There are too many self-appointed and proclaimed leaders, teachers, shepherds,
apostles, prophets, evangelist spewing out heresies. Some of these people aren’t
even aware that they aren’t moving in Yah’s power and commission because they
have been deceived either by themselves are those close to them. We can’t look
at division as a means to prove someone is deceptive, because Yah has always
used division (i.e. holy vs unholy, clean vs unclean, faithful vs faithless,
wheat vs tares, sheep vs goats; etc.) Division however tells you who is
false/deceptive based on whether they are divided from Yah or not. Messiah
wouldn’t have told us about “ravening wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Matt 7:15)
and Sha’ul warned Timothy about those deceivers in 2 Tim 3:5 who “have a form
of reverence but deny it’s power.” 2 Thes 2:9-11 speaks about the “lawless one according
to Satan’s work coming with all power and using lying signs and wonders and
with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing because they didn’t
receive the love of truth in order to be saved and therefore Yah gave them a
working/strong delusion so they can believe falsehood.”
Yah brings
to light those who are deceivers and delusional workers, “who stray from His
laws for falsehood is deceit” (Psa 119:118) all you need to do is study, be
watchful and use discernment to “prove/try the spirits by The Spirit to see if
it is of Yah” (1 John 4:1). A habitual backslider is strengthened in deceit and
refuse to repent just like Yisrael in Jeremiah 8:5. In Jeremiah 14:14 we are
even told that there were “prophets falsely prophesying in His name with false
visions, worthless divination and the deceit of their own hearts.” This is
still clearly going on today.
We are
definitely in a time of great deception and delusion, which is just the set up
for the Great Deception and Falling Away to come. Many people will begin to fall
away and it won’t just be because they find out who the true people of the Scriptures
are and what the Messiah really looks like either. Many of Yah’s own chosen
people will fall off along with the Evangelicals, Anglicans and others of the
Catholic and Protestant belief systems. Don’t fall off or better yet “don’t be
deceived.” Jeremiah 17:9-10 says; “the heart is crooked/deceitful above all,
and desperately sick, who shall know it? I Yahwah, search the heart, I try the
kidneys, and give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of
his deeds.” The Hebrew word used for crooked/deceitful in that verse is aqob
(aw-kobe) which means crooked from the angle of the ankle, crooked, deceitful
and polluted. That denotes sin breaking your ankles to where you can’t walk
right and instead walk crooked. It also says that the leb (heart) which means
mind, inner man, will or heart, is anash(desperately sick) which also means incurable,
woeful. Yah searches your inner man and proves your kilyah/kidneys which means
inmost being, mind or inward parts and nathan/gives, appoints or divides based
on the fruit produced by your works. We all “must give an account for
everything said, thought and done” as Scripture has said and we will “reap what
we have sown.” What will you reap come harvest time? Deceivers will find their
end in Sheol/Hell swallowed up in the Lake of Fire. Where will you end up? “Take
heed that no one leads you astray” (Matt 24:4).
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