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Sunday, December 9, 2018

As those who truly love Yah are striving to walk according to His Word and Truth, we must really look to get a grasp of Scripture contextually. We must read, study, gain understanding and then live based on what Scripture says, also seeing who it was talking to and why they were being spoken to. For instance; let us look to 2 Chronicles/ Dibre haYamim Bet 7:14. It states: "and My people upon whom My Name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I shall hear from the heavens and forgive their sin and heal their land."

Let us look to the who, what, when, where and why of this Scripture passage. The beginning of the chapter is giving the origin of what we Yisraelites celebrate as The Feast of Dedication also called Hannukah/Channukah (the Maccabean account was a re-dedication). Shelomoh/Solomon finished the temple and then his palace and then Yah appears to him and night, letting him know He heard his prayers and He has chosen the hekal/temple as His house. He then states if He did certain things as judgement toward Yisrael (there was no split yet) and they HUMBLED, PRAYED, SOUGHT HIM, REPENTED; then He would HEAR, FORGIVE and HEAL.

We have been taught that this passage no longer applies to Yisrael and is now for "organized religion," however; did Yah ever change His Word? Who was He speaking to? He was speaking to the same people then that He has always spoken to and is speaking to now as they are waking up.

WHO: The Ibri/Hebrew used in that passage is ammi (My people) and comes from the word am: people, nation, folk, men. Next He says "who are called by My Name," and what does He mean by that? That denotes a relationship via parental or marital, for those who are either seed or spouse are called by someone's name. Yah is clearly speaking to a SPECIFIC people/nation.

The word qara (kaw-raw)/called means: calling together for assembly, to call/give a name to call out, read, proclaim, name, encounter; etc. The word used for name is shem which means name, famous, renown, character, honor, authority, fame; etc., and denotes a mark or memorial of individuality, not just an identifier but also descriptive of character. It also includes posterity as Shem, Noah's son was his posterity and honored and given authority over his two other sons Ham and Yapheth.

Yah changed Ya'aqob's name to Yisrael which means "he will rule as/like Yah" (Elohim)." When Yah changed his shem/name, He was also changing his character because to us Ibrim/Hebrews your character is in your name, that is why the shem/name is so important to us and why our oppressors/captors did everything they could to keep us from The Name and Our Names which are linked in with His. Scripture tells you who will rule/reign when the new earth is established which is Yisrael. There are 12 gates that denotes the 12 tribes not religions or denominations. See how Yah makes it that you have to come through His Son Yahoshua to get to Him and you also must go through His seed/children (Yisrael) in order to know who He is by them teaching you  not just in word but deeds through faith. It is truly a family affair and family business.

WHAT & WHEN: His people (Yisrael) when they humble/kana (kaw-nah): bend the knee, subjection; themselves and pray/palal (paw-lal): plead, pray, judge, intreat, intercede, supplication.; and seek/baqash (baw-kash); search for something/answers, seek, request, require, enquire; His face/paneh (paw-naw/paw-ney): presence, face, person, countenance; and turn/shub (shoob): return, repent, turn back again; from their evil ways.

WHERE & WHY: His people are to do this wherever they are and it must be in their heart and mind, soul and spirit. This must be done by His people in order for them to be RESTORED (forgiven and their land healed). Remember that "the intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for the REVEALING of the sons of Elohim" (Rom 8:19). The sons of Elohim in this context denotes Yisrael for remember that Yisrael is Yah's "firstborn son" (Ex 4:22). This goes back to what was stated earlier by being called by His Name and that denoting parental and marital relationship. We also see that Yah is married to Yisrael as seen in Isa 54. Why does He constantly call Yisrael and adulteress and whoring after other spirits. Even look at the account in Hoshea/Hosea.

When you truly look at this Scripture passage and others in context you realize who He is really talking to and about. This has nothing to do with "organized religion" aka the Church because He is neither the father of a paganistic organization daughter of the whore of Babylon, nor is He married to the "Great Whore of Babylon." The whole book is about Yisrael (Congregation/Assembly) not about an organization. Yisrael was lost, not an organization. Yisrael needs to be saved, not an organization. Yahoshua Himself even told you who He came for, "the lost sheep of Yisrael." It doesn't mean that other nations/Gentiles can't enter into covenant with Yah and be "adopted/grafted" but don't preseume to take the place of Yah's people with any organization. Hopefully you gained understanding, edification and are blessed by this. Shalom....

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Reason Why They Hate You....

Contrary to an old hit television show, "Everybody DOESN'T hate Chris." However when you really look at the grand scheme of things, you see that everybody does hate Yis(rael). [I'm speaking of the true bloodline descendants not religious converts]

I find it quite baffling that the very group of people who have murdered, pillaged, raped, bombed, robbed/stolen, destroyed, manipulated, lied, incarcerated, are unjust, made clothes and shoes out of your flesh, kept your body parts as heirlooms, spiteful/hateful; etc., can have the audacity to hate a group of people who have never done anything to them. They hate you so much "true Yisrael" but can't explain why because you haven't done anything to them before or since being brought here as a captive. The more ignorant among them tell you to go back to a continent that they can't/won't leave. They blame you for all of their shortcomings and downfalls and have such a deep seated hatred for the very group of people they have done wrong. This is only done to you out of every nation of people in the world by the way. But there is a reason for this deep seated hatred. This hatred is from the beginning throught. I call it "antred" (ancient hatred). The seed of the nahash/serpent would hate the seed of the woman and wage war (Gen 3:15). The seed of the dragon/flying-serpent would hate the seed of the woman/Yisrael and her seed/bloodline decendants and wage war against them (Rev 12:17). When you add up the numbers in Gen 3:15 (3+1+5)=9. The number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or finality. When you add up the numbers in Rev 12:17 (1+2+1+7)=11. The number 11 symbolizes disorder, chaos and judgement. It is quite fitting that the beginning and ending books of Scripture speak of the war the serpent and his people will wage against Yah's chosen people (a 911 for us true Yisrael). From Genesis/Bereshith to Revelations/Hazon we see that Scripture has foretold and gotten us ready for the beginning of divine final judgement.

In John 15:18-26 after the parable of the Vine, Yahoshua speaks to his talmidim/disciples about understanding why the world will hate them. He said that realize that "if they hate you, they hated me first" (vs. 18). He let them know that they (world/nations) hate them because they are not of/from them but are of/from Him (His people). He said "I chose you (12 disciples/12 tribes) out of all the nations/world and for that reason they hate you" (vs. 19). In verse 20, He then told them about how the servant wasn't greater than the Master and that since He was to be persecuted, His own would be as well. Toward the end of that verse Yahoshua says that "if the world guarded His Word, they would have guarded YOURS too." Why would He say that and who was He talking about? There is only one people/nation that Yah ever gave His Word to which was Yisrael. You however were taught a centuries old fabrication where the Church/ "organized religion" brought to you by RCC was put in place of Yisrael and is the ones being hated and persecuted. How can the #1 (Christianity) and #2 (Islam) religions in the world be hated and persecuted when they are the actual persecutors (learn some History)? When you research you will see that both "religions" stem/branch from the same tree RCC, and further research will show you what group/nation of people are really in control of the RCC.

Yahoshua then tells them in verse 21, that the world will do this because of His Name because they/nations don't know Yah. There is only one nation who is called by His Name (2 Chr 7:14) and is forever linked to Him, which is "true Yisrael." There is only one nation of people that "He has known/relationship (Amos 3:2). They hated Him because He told them the truth and exposed sin so they hate Him and Yah (vs. 22-24). Notice how great their hate also gets toward you when you tell the truth (your identity, their injustices toward you; etc.).  In verse 25, Yahoshua then quotes what both Psalms 35:19 and 69:4 states; "they hated me without a cause." They hated Him without a cause and they hate us without a cause. Every reason they could try to give for why they hate you is asinine and far-fetched. It's one thing to hate a people (especially if they've done something to you) but it is something totally different when you hate a people just because they exist. Their/nations unbridled hatred for you is just the physical manifestation of Ha'Satan's hatred toward us. The hate has always been against the BLOODLINE DESCENDANTS because the promise was/is fulfilled through THEM!