Twinkle, Twinkle David’s Star....
The star of David or Dawid is actually
known by other names by those who worship and know what it truly is. One name
that it is known by is the “demon star.” In this short blog, you will be given
some information that some of you may have been privy too and others of you may
not have been.
Saturn is the 6th (6= man, human
weakness, sin manifest, Satan) planet from the sun. The north polar vortex of
Saturn has a hexagonal (6 pointed star) cloud pattern

and the south polar
vortex has an eyewall (seeing eye) cloud.

The earth is the only other planet
with eyewall clouds. In the occult and other dark practices, the hexagon
six-pointed star is the highest in power and evil (“putting a hex on you”) and
then the pentagon/five-pointed star. The Greek word Remphan comes from the
Hebrew word Kiyyun (kee-yoon) a heathen god also known as the planet Saturn.
The star of Kiyyun/Remphan/Saturn is a 6-pointed star. Contrary to popular
belief, King Dawid never had a star, Yah gave him keys (Isa 22:22 & Rev
3:7) which also denotes authority/power. That star became a symbol of the
imposters of Yisrael stemming from Prince David El’Roy the son of Khazar king
Solomon ben Duji (Roy). It became known as the star of David and the Seal of
Solomon because of those two Khazarians and had nothing to do with the 2 true
Yisraelite Kings Dawid and Shlomo/Solomon. It isn’t coincidence that the 6-pointed
star is the emblem for the Rothchilds (“red shield”). The imposters in control
of our homeland at present are actually in fact some of the descendants of Esau
(they even admit it). Remember Esau mixed with others so there are Hamitic and
Yaphetic Edomites too! Obadiah 1:4 speaks of how Edom/Esau “ascends as high as
the eagle and that they set their nest among the stars.” Look throughout
history and see what nations used the eagle as their emblem. Also notice that
those in the occultic infused masonic practices have the eagle as their symbol
as well. Those under the control of the Khazars who now have been calling
themselves Ashkenazi or Jewish people have this as their symbol/emblem.

Kiyyun/Saturn and Moloch were deities of
the Ammonites (Lot’s descendants) and Canaanites (Ham’s descendants). Even ancient
Edomites (melanated people) worshipped them before the modern day ones. The star of Remphan/David
is actually the star of Saturn. Those sporting it are either in confusion
(Yisraelites in gangs under the 6 and some who are awakened to our heritage but
patterning after the imposters) or willful worshippers of the fallen one
(everybody else). Acts 7:43 was a restatement of what the prophet Amos said in
Amos 5:26; “ but you took up Sikkuth your sovereign and Kiyyun, your idols,
your astral mighty ones, which you made for yourselves.” Both Sikkuth (a false
deity; tabernacle) and Kiyyun (a heathen false deity) are tied to Saturn. The
House of Yisrael followed after the heathen Gentile nations around them and succumbed
to Yah’s wrath against them for doing these practices. We are still on
punishment around the world today as prophesied, not blessed upon measure and above
everyone else ruling the world. As you can see it is also in Roman Catholicism which "jewry" admits in their own Jewish Encyclopedia that "they know who Edom/Esau is and that Edom is Rome and that modern jewry is Edom" (Jewish Encyclopedia 1925 Ed., Vol 5, pg. 41). In the 1980 Jewish Almanac they also stated; " strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew" an Israelite or a Hebrew" (1980 Jewish Almanac, pg 3).

The true people of Yah who follow after these
practices and worship under that demonic star are cursed and still not blessed,
while those who say they are his people but do lie and instead are the synagogue
of Ha’Satan (Rev 2:9; 3:9) have been blessed since it’s inception. Notice how
swift judgement comes and how non-prosperous Yah’s chosen people are when they follow
this and other abominations. Do those (specifically that nation claiming to be His
chosen) who have this symbol/emblem as part of their identity feel the wrath of
Yah upon them yet? They are being blessed by almost all the nations of the
world while worshipping under a demonic symbol. The more that you truly “study
to show yourself approved,” the more you see the lies and how the enemy has
integrated himself in so much that you see daily. You also see how he has
counterfeited so much. A star shouldn’t be your symbol anyway (specifically true
Yisraelites), our symbol is the menorah and our obedience to Yah. You’re not really awake if you
are still accepting the enemy’s lies. Shalom….