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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Mind Control or Manipulation?

The Ruach Ha’Kodesh (Set Apart Spirit/Holy Spirit) woke me up this morning to this question, “is there a difference between “mind-control” and manipulation? After He showed me some things I answered that question. I pose the same question to you readers. Is there a difference between “mind-control” and manipulation? Also, how do you recognize and fight off either of them?

I am starting this blog off with scripture and those who have read my blogs before will know that I will quote scripture throughout. In 2 Corinthians 4:1-4 it states; “Therefore having this service, even as we received compassion, we do not lose heart, but have renounced the secret ways of shame, not walking in the craftiness nor falsifying the Word of Elohim, but by the manifestation of the truth recommending ourselves to every human conscience, in the sight of Elohim. And indeed, if our Good News has been veiled, it has been veiled in those who are perishing, in whom the mighty one of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, so that the enlightening of the Good News of the esteem of Messiah, who is the likeness of Elohim, does not shine on them” (ISR98). In those verses the Apostle Sha’uwl (Saul/Paul) was first off stating continued faith in service and showing it, by refusing dishonesty, not deceitfully using the Word but showing it in truth to all. He then goes on to say that the Good News /Gospel is only hidden to those who don’t believe and the reason they don’t believe is because Satan the adversary has blinded their unbelieving eyes to keep the light of truth from shining on them. Pay close attention to the “blinding the minds of the unbelievers” quote here and keep that in mind throughout this discourse (writing).

There is a saying that states; “the mind is a terrible thing to waste.” How do you feel about that saying? What does that term “lose/lost/losing my mind” really mean to you when you hear it? What do you think of when you hear the term “mind control?” Most of you probably think of a person who is a mindless being that is fully controlled by another entity or someone, void of reasoning altogether. The term “mind control/brainwashing” is basically a re-education, coercive persuasion or thought reform. Merriam Webster Dictionary defines mind as: the element or complex of elements in an individual that feels, perceives, thinks, wills, and especially reasons. Let us not just stop with that definition but also look at the definition for control while we are at it! The definition for control is: the power to influence/direct behavior, to hold in check, to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by parallel experiment or other standard of comparison. Now when we look at 2 Corinthians 4:4 it would seem that Apostle Sha’wul (Saul/Paul) is saying that Satan has influenced, directed or held in check (mind controlled/brainwashed) the perception, will and reasoning of unbelievers to keep them from the light. For some people we could just open up the doors and do the benediction off of that, but we must go deeper. Remember the other part of the definition of control, which talked about a scientific experiment? Those who studied the sciences know about the term control. The “control” (independent variable) is the test subject(s) group that receive a placebo or false thing, while the “experimental” (dependent variable) group receives the actual administration of what is being tested. An example: a person will be given a sugar pill, while another person is given a pill that actually has the drug. Both are told that the pill is supposed to do a specific thing. The person really being watched is the subject (experimental) with the actual drug, since the “control” can be adjusted and is actually affected by the “experimental.” Now when you read about the “wheat and tares” in Matthew 13:24-30;36-43 you will get a better understanding especially of verse 30 when the Messiah said “let both grow together until the harvest” (parallel experiment/standard comparison). Other showings of parallel experiment/standard comparison are found in Ex 32:26, Joshua 24:15, Matt 7:13-14 to name a few. The wheat (believers) were the experimental/dependent variable and the tares (unbelievers) where the control/independent variable. Believers are empowered with the Holy Spirit and unbelievers are “empowered” through fallacy (falsehood). Now when you think about population control, gun control, government control; etc. you have another aspect to look at it from and to think of who is the “control” and the “experimental” variables.

Mind-control/brain-washing is a very controversial subject because of what it implies as well as the fact that these things could actually be going on. Many who are awake, know of MK-Ultra and other secret governmental organizations that do things like this, but have you ever considered advertisement as well? Advertisement shows you something to make you want it. It is a “medium” to draw your attention or “speak to you” to influence your mind/will.  A medium is: an agency or means of doing something and the intervening substance through which impressions are conveyed to the senses or a force acts on objects at a distance (think of a radio). Why do you think “spiritualist,” “seers,” diviners, tarot readers; etc. are called mediums? They are radios tuned into the wrong frequency drawing attention to those who are not tuned into the True Set Apart Spirit (Ruach Ha’Kodesh/Holy Spirit). Remember that the thing being advertised is something that you either don’t have or something that is considered better than what you have.

Let us look at Genesis Ch. 3 where the serpent (Satan) spoke to the woman in the Garden. He asked (advertised) her some questions and then he answered (advertised) them for her (just like commercials). But in doing these things what was he really doing to her. Was he mind-controlling her into eating the fruit or was he manipulating her into eating the fruit? The definition of manipulate is to: handle or control (a tool, mechanism, etc.), typically in a skillful manner, control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly, unfairly, or unscrupulously, exploit. There seems to be a certain theme with control/influence in both terms of mind-control/brainwashing and manipulation don’t you think? The serpent/Satan was using the power of influence through advertisement of something that the woman didn’t have, or did she? Did he not promise her that she would have knowledge? Didn’t he say that The Father lied and that instead of death that she would be like The Father? What she didn’t understand was that she was “like” The Father in that “man was created in His image; in the image of Elohim created him, male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27). Adam was made in the image of The Father and the woman was made from that image of Adam (see Gen 2:22). She also didn’t realize that she already had knowledge because she had the source of knowledge which is The Father. She was “influenced through the very same advertisement schemes that get many today. You already have a car, a home, food; etc. but a commercial comes on advertising the things you already have, influencing you to want to get the very thing you already have. Many people get into debt by the influencing of those advertisements. The Father didn’t need to advertise anything because He gave them everything they would need. He didn’t advertise dominion of the earth or the woman to Adam, He gave them to him. Satan has to advertise to get you in debt, while The Father gives to you to keep you out of debt. “For Yah so loved the world that he GAVE…(John 3:16) and “the wages of sin is death but the gift of Elohim is eternal life through the Messiah” (Rom 6:23). The fall brought about a debt mankind couldn’t pay, thus the need for a deliverer (debt payer) known as the Messiah. My parents always quoted to me 1 Samuel 15:22 that says “obedience is better than sacrifice.” What the serpent/Satan did seems very mind-controlling and manipulative to me don’t you think? There are various scriptures speaking on the blinding and deafening of those in regards to the Good News. Scriptures like Isa 1:23; 6:9-10, Jer 5:21, Ezek 12:2, Matt 13:14-15, Mark 4:11-12 and Heb 5:11-14 talk about those having eyes and ears but not being able to see or hear. What was keeping them from seeing and hearing, was their unbelief and that came from the influence of someone (Satan) and something (sin). In John 12:40 again it was stated that “he (Satan) has blinded the eyes and hardened the hearts so that they should not see with their eyes and understand with their heart and turn, and I should heal them.” This was quoted from the book of Isaiah 6:10.

To answer the question that I posed at the beginning, No! There is no difference between mind-control and manipulation. A rebellious person can be mind-controlled/brain-washed; manipulated. Your rebellion, unbelief, self-reliance (idolatry) opens you up to that. Adam had relationship with The Father and the woman had relationship with The Father through Adam, but she didn’t have a strong enough relationship with Elohim that is why Satan came to her. After the first Exodus of Egypt Israel sinned in the wilderness with the “Golden Calf” because of the relationship issue to where even the high priest Aaron (Aharon) fell prey to manipulation. Throughout biblical history to present day Israel has been dealing with affliction because of our relationship issue. The Messiah told us that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” (Matt 26:41) and the Apostle Sha’uwl (Saul/Paul) said in 1 Cor 9:27: “I treat my body severely and make it my slave, lest having proclaimed to other, I myself might be rejected” (ISR98). Why do you think scripture constantly tells us to “meditate on the Word day and night,” (Josh 1:8, Ps 1:2) and to “hide His Word in our hearts so we don’t sin against Him” (Ps 119:11)? When we look at 1 Timothy 3:16 it tells us, “ALL scripture is breathed out by Elohim and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for setting straight (rebuke), for instruction in righteousness, that the man (this is for woman too) of Elohim might be fitted, equipped for every good work.”  You recognize the manipulation/brain-washing by having a close relationship with The Father. You recognize the manipulation/brain-washing by spending more time with Him than with the things of the world (i.e. television and radio programming, games, clubs, social media, internet, alcohol, drugs; etc.) You recognize the manipulation by staying awake and seeing who else is awake. In Divergent Series: Insurgent movie, there was a part where an enemy faction was looking for those who are termed “divergent.” This faction descended upon the people at night and shot everyone in sight. They shot them with “sleeping ammunition.” They did this to find those who were “divergent” since they were immune to the sleeping agent. Anyone who was immune (awake) to the slumber agent was apprehended and murdered if they weren’t a high enough percentage to be used for the factions purpose. Those that are truly awake are being watched and some of us have been and are being round up and murdered. The “sleeping agents” are not just media, internet, chemicals in food and water to poison and make you docile, because they are also people. There are agents sent in to disrupt, corrupt, poison and turn people away from the Truth! These agents are not just in the secular world for they have “slipped in, whose judgment was written about long ago, wicked ones perverting the favour of our Elohim for indecency, and denying the only Master (The Father) and our Master The Messiah” (Jude 1:4 read the whole book). The false teachers and prophets that are in the congregations lying, giving false doctrines and putting people in bondage. They have no true spiritual power because they are not linked with the Holy Spirit. Their fruits show who they truly are. How do you fight this manipulation/brain-washing? You fight the “brain-washing” by “not being conformed to the world, but being transformed by the renewing (spiritual cleansing/washing) of your mind” (Rom 12:2). You fight it by living righteously daily. You fight it by living a life of daily repentance. You fight it by choosing The Father over the world even unto death. Satan is many evil vile things, but one thing that he is also great at ironically is law/legal matters. He is a prosecutor going before the Father day and night against your life you live (read Rev 12:10).  He has no legal right to do anything to you unless the Father allows him (look at Job’s life and account) or you allow him by sinning (look at The Fall and thereafter). In Hebrew culture, when someone was born with an infirmity or had a lot of misfortune in life, it was thought to be brought about because someone had sinned. In John 9:2 The Messiah’s disciples asked him in regards to the blind man “who sinned him or his parents” as his reason for being blind. The theme here is of course sin. Satan knew he had to get sin in us to be able to be able to do anything to us, hence the manipulation tactic.

Upon reading all of this, you must make a choice. That is one thing that people always need to realize is that you do have a choice. The Father doesn’t take our choice away and Satan can’t take your choice away (how do you think those who use to be under his control ended up getting saved?). You must renounce all sin: hate, rebellion, murder, gossip, idolatry, fornication, pornography, lust, adultery, homosexuality, gluttony, pride, depression, bitterness, rejection, lying, double-mindedness, addiction; etc. Realize that anything that The Father hates has to be the same things that you hate. Sin can’t stand in his presence for it will be judged! Anything trying to talk you away from The Father is manipulation. Anything that influences you to follow yourself and your wants/desires is trying to reform your thoughts (brain-washing). The Messiah made a choice to do the will of the Father so don’t you think you should as well? Remember what The Messiah told Kepha (Peter) in Luke 22:31-32: “Shim’on, Shim’on! See, Satan has asked for you to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your belief should not fail. And when you have turned, strengthen your brothers.” Satan again asked for Peter like he did for Job so he could manipulate/brain-wash through sifting (examine and isolate) him. The Messiah knew Kepha (Peter) would deny Him, but He also knew that His chief disciple would need his faith restored and once it was, that his brothers (fellow disciples) would need him to strengthen them. 1. Mind-control/brain-washing and manipulation are the same. 2. You recognize it by being awakened in The Word, and you fight it by utilizing the Word by living by it. Stay awake, stay blessed….

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Counterfeit Agenda

What is a counterfeit you might ask? The Definition of counterfeit in the Oxford Dictionary is: an exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud; a fraudulent imitation of something.  A counterfeit is basically a “knock off” of something. I remember when I was younger in fourth grade when Jordan’s were out and I wanted a pair. My mother didn’t have the resources to get me a pair when I asked for some, so she did the next best thing and found a brand called “Hoops” that had a style that greatly resembled the Jordan’s that came out that year. I was perplexed when I saw them because they were not the real thing that I wanted, but I really had no choice but to accept them (especially since I didn’t have any money or job). I was also angry because I knew that my father would have sent me money to get them but I was not allowed to call and ask because I needed to learn that I can’t always expect to get what I wanted. As I put those shoes on I thought of how my peers would react when they saw them. I tried my best to mask them covering up the side of the shoe that the “swoosh” symbol would have been on with the hem of my pants, but to my dismay I was still found out. Someone noticed the shoes and went to praise the fact I got the new “J’s” only to realize by lifting the pant leg up that it was an imitation. Man, I got “clowned” so much that day and a few days after that for coming to school wearing counterfeit shoes. I learned a valuable lesson that day, which as an old song said “ain’t nothing like the real thing.”

Counterfeiting is something that has been going on since the Garden account. What do you think the serpent (Satan) was doing in the Garden when he was talking with Eve? He was selling her on the counterfeit (knock-off) making her think the price was cheaper but the quality was still great. Today isn’t this same thing still going on? The buying of “knock-off” purses, shoes, clothing, watches; etc. appeals to many because of the quantity that can be obtained even though the quality is not up to standard. People enjoy saying how much they saved by paying for counterfeit products with joy but as the products quickly degrade over time, some get upset and speak harshly of that very product’s lack of strength, endurance and durability. Yes sometimes the materials or the fabric of the original are of the same quality but that is not always the case. It is also known that the reason the cost is higher is not just because you are paying for the product quality but you are also paying sometimes more so for the name. We need to realize that when we are walking around with all these brands on, that we are walking around with someone’s name on us. As I said earlier how I was basically ashamed of the Hoops name by hiding the shoes, many of us are guilty of hiding the name of the Messiah (the original who is not a brand) even though we say we accepted His purchase of us through salvation. We must remember what Matthew 10:33 and Mark 8:38 says about “denying Him” and being “ashamed of Him before others.”

Someone might be wondering why the agenda part of the title is in there. Is it just because it sounds good or goes along with the title for aesthetic purposes? I assure you that is not the case; in fact, the reason the word agenda is part of the title is because of what the definition of agenda means. An agenda is basically an appointment diary or list of things to be talked about in a meeting. Agenda meetings and the fruits of those meetings are going on every day without many thinking or caring about it. Everyone has their own agenda at some point in life, but we are talking about a specific agenda meeting that has and is going on to date even as I type this. The counterfeit agenda meeting that is going on now involves the leaders of many nations who sit and commune, summon and meet with the forces of darkness. Satan is the head of the Counterfeit Agenda meeting and many of his plans have come to pass in the earth. In the parable of the Kingdom from Matthew 13:24-30 we learn of the account of what KJV calls the “wheat and the tares (it is actually a darnel).” The parable gives us insight about how a man sowed good seed in his field and an enemy/adversary came and while he slept and sowed the counterfeit seed among the good. They were not aware of what happened until both started to come up, to which at that time the servants came and told what was done to the Master of that field asking didn’t he sow good seed and he let them know that although he had, there was an enemy that “came and did this.” Of course the servants wanted to get rid of the issue right away but were told by the Master to let them grow together until harvest and the “reapers” will deal with the counterfeit first and then harvest the good seed afterward. Notice the scripture says “while men slept” and not the Master. The servants fell asleep but the Master knew what would come as He was the one that told the servants what had been done. In the Garden, the Master (Yahweh) was not asleep when the enemy came in and sowed a counterfeit seed among His good seed. The counterfeit was and has been allowed to grow among us as a testament and a sign. You can’t uproot sin out of your life because it is attached to you and by uprooting it you will also take the good seed with it. Your job is to continue to nurture and grow that good seed that is sown in you and let the reapers do their appointed job of gathering and burning the counterfeit. The whole “rapture” incident is also a counterfeit message. With this parable who was taken first? The counterfeit. When scripture says as in the day of Noah so will it be again at the second coming, what was being done and who was taken? Who was saved and remained? In the ten virgins’ parable, the door was shut after the five wise came in and the other five where shut out. Isn’t that the same thing that happened with the Noah account with Yah shutting them in and shutting the sinful out for judgement? Matthew 24 sheds light, one taken and one left. Again we think the one taken was the one “raptured” in to heaven but what did He say in that chapter? The wicked were taken and the righteous were saved. Why are we told to endure and what is given to the one who endures if you are going to be taken before all the wickedness really starts? You learn to endure through tribulations not by getting away from them. He takes us in or shields us while he judges the wicked, hence safety in His arms and hiding us in His pavilion or even being as the mother bird who shields her young under her wing from the destruction of the enemy.

What are the fruits that have sprung up from the counterfeit agenda seed you may ask? We have counterfeit love being fed to the masses through false ideologies of love. The “free love” movement didn’t mean to love everybody freely in the sexual sense, it meant to love the way the Messiah calls for us to love each other in the pure love. Counterfeit says love conditionally, Love says love unconditionally. Counterfeit food looks the same but has death in it which has and is causing many illnesses, cancers, mental issues; etc., while pure food actually gives longevity of life and health to body, mind and even helps the spirit. Counterfeit healing via physical or spiritual never actually heals you, just keeps you in need of the very thing that is killing you while Healing actually fixes your issue. Counterfeit “church” teaches you antiquated doctrines of men to cause divisions in the body. It teaches people that you don’t have to actually live out what you profess and that you can still be pleasing to Yah and go to heaven if you just say “I’m sorry” without really meaning it. It focuses on everything other than Yahweh and His Word. The Body, Congregation, Assembly gives the pure unadulterated truth and brings about conviction, repentance, fruits of the spirit; etc. Counterfeit says you can do whatever you want because the Father understands while truth says you have to live by His guidelines.

In closing, Satan gives you an imitation of what is truly valuable (life and true relationship) to intentionally deceive you. He willfully gives you a “knock-off” to knock you off into eternal peril. You can get away with being cheap on somethings but your life and eternal well-being should not be cheap to you. Your relationship with Yahweh should be valuable and important to you. Satan bought into the counterfeit which was himself and has been selling mankind on it ever since. Observe for yourselves what the Scriptures has told us and what has already come to pass so far and you will begin to see the counterfeit as you actually look at it. My counterfeit shoes where discovered because they looked like something which drew people to them but upon examination they were found out to be a fraud. What will people find out when they examine you…?

Friday, July 29, 2016

Knowledge vs. Ignorance

The saying “knowledge is power” does have truth to it; however, wisdom is the key that unlocks that power and without that, you are not able to fully move in the power of that knowledge. What we also have to realize is that, “ignorance also is power.” Ignorance empowers those with knowledge to keep you ignorant. Ignorance empowers you to be bound, enslaved, unfocused and falling for any and everything. We have believers that are truly ignorant to God and true knowledge of Him that they are powerless to manifest His will in the spiritual and natural realm because of the “lack of knowledge” and therefore suffer (Hosea 4:6). Today, the nation that Scripture talks about doesn’t have knowledge of their true heritage. Their heritage has been assimilated by converts. Today people don’t have true knowledge of actual factual history (what really happened) and thus show the power of ignorance through their commentaries of historical events when proof says otherwise. Today schools are giving watered down knowledge and corrupting the minds of our future legacies with ignorance to pump out drones that will do the bidding for the system to come. Today companies are putting GMO’s in our food and beverages to aid in our “dumbing down.” Today people still choose to put their head in the ground, feign ignorance or just outright refuse to accept true knowledge to see what is going on around them. When we read Luke 12:35-48, how many of us truly get what is being said? What is the Messiah talking about? He is talking about KNOWLEDGE! The watching servants had knowledge of the fact that He could come back at any time so let us be about this work so we are ready when He comes. The servant that had no knowledge of his master’s return and also chose not to be knowledgeable on how to conduct himself because of that was judged, but the one with knowledge, who chose to be IGNORANT got tore up! “To whom much is given, much is required” isn’t talking about material things people! It is talking about KNOWLEDGE! When He said to “watch as well as pray” how can you truly watch without knowledge of what and why you are watching, let alone knowing what to truly pray for?

In the Garden account in Genesis, the serpent (Satan) got to Eve by promising knowledge that she was ignorant to realize she already had access to by having Yahweh. There was a reason the tree was in the Garden along with the tree of Life. The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was not just there to test them, but I also believe that it was there to let them know that in His timing they would be allowed to obtain that knowledge. Do you always share everything that is in your house with your children or do you wait until they are ready to receive that thing in “due season?” He said to Adam “eat of every tree but that one, because when YOU (in your own knowledge and understanding and power) eat of it, you die.” I admit that there is something alluring about knowledge, but you have to look at first off what type of knowledge am I looking to obtain and secondly, what am I sacrificing to get that knowledge. The serpent appealed to Eve’s desire for knowledge (power) that she looked passed the payment (sacrifice) to get the purchase and instead of Adam saying this cost too much it has to go back, he condoned the payment by partaking in it. Don’t we do this today with our “purchases?”

The sad thing in that account that still shows up today is the fact that KNOWLEDGE was chosen over LIFE! The tree of Eternal Life was there and instead of eating from that they chose the wrong tree. God IS knowledge and if that would have been enough for Eve, she wouldn’t have been swayed or tempted by the serpent. Her selfish ambition and desire to bypass Yah (God) to get a form of knowledge (godliness) while denying the power thereof (getting and understanding it through God) caused death. You can’t get anything to its fullness without going through Him. Whenever anyone has tried to bypass God, they died a certain death from Satan and the Fallen (eternal/spiritual) to mankind (physical and spiritual) and everything on this earth. Again the Father never said that they would never obtain that knowledge, he basically said don’t you go to it yourself because it will kill you. He provided everything for them already so, why wouldn’t they trust provision for knowledge as well? Today people do the same thing looking again to that serpent (Satan) to get knowledge of various things because they refuse to “wait on the Lord.” When you look at earlier civilizations; Egypt in particular, you can clearly see that those people were tapped in spiritually with demonic activity. Who do you think taught them the technology that they were using even back then? Electricity as we know it hadn’t been “invented” yet, but somehow they had light bulbs to use in places that couldn’t receive light from torches because they would continue to blow out? Who do you think all those false gods they worshipped were? They were the Fallen, demons who promised knowledge and got people to sacrifice life for them and their knowledge. Satan and the Fallen had knowledge of Yahweh, but they didn’t have true knowledge and understanding of who He is, or else they never would have tried Him. Lucifer was more knowledgeable of himself than of the one he was meant to serve. 2 Peter 2:20-22 gives insight on people that gained knowledge of the Messiah only to go back to the very ignorance of this world, giving up righteousness for mess are just like a washed pig going back to the mud and a dirty dog eating its vomit.

Man is trying to use knowledge to find a way to live forever. The head of Google is spending billions of dollars to make this possible. What do you think all these high ranking government officials and other people that are a part of these secret society shadow groups are doing? Why do you think they are able to perform the atrocities that they have and will do in the future? They allow themselves to be inhabited and used by the enemy because of the promise of knowledge and eternal life in Satan’s kingdom. They don’t want to wait on God so they go to the enemy. Nobody looked at the boom in technological advancements when it happened and questioned where the knowledge came from, they just accepted it and thought it was cool. We wanted to believe so much that we were just that mentally advanced (in pride). Yes the Father has given us good mental capacity but we have to be real with ourselves, a lot of this stuff we have now didn’t come from us getting it through trial and error with these technologies. Technology is good but all this technological advancement was implemented by the enemy to bridge everybody together to make them easier to control and to bring about his world domination/enslavement agenda that we read about in Scripture. Technology in itself is not bad, but look at what we have become. We don’t read books unless we use technology, we prefer technology to communicate instead of actually sitting and talking to each other. We are so use to swiping, downloading, and going online to look for things that we forgot how to actually find things on our own and study. The more knowledgeable people become, the less they feel that they need God. Their knowledge becomes their God and thing they worship. Yes today we have gained more knowledge than our predecessors, yet we are more ignorant than they ever were. Common sense is in very short supply today. So I say to you, how much is that knowledge that you are truly seeking worth and what are you willing to give up for it? Yes there is power in knowledge, but remember ignorance has power too….

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Why Fortified?

A year and three months ago I was given a task, mission, specific ministry; etc. to establish and build something for the Father’s use. Keep in mind I had never established or planted anything of this magnitude that He has given me before, but I had scriptural basis on how to do what needed to be done, along with the help of the Holy Spirit. As I was taking notes, researching and doing other foundational things I was wondering what I should call this specific ministry. I had bounced some names off of my wife and neither one of us really came up with any good names, so I inquired of the Holy Spirit on what I should call this ministry and He gave me these words, fortify, fortification. Those words kept echoing in my head and I finally settled on Fortified Spirit.

The words, fortify and fortification are words that I am all about anyways being that I have a warrior spirit/mentality, I have held the position of a soldier and of course I love to fight (the battles of course are different now)! When you think of fortify, fortification or fortified what comes to mind? You probably think of strengthening, a fortress, defense; etc. and you would be right. There are two Hebrew words for fortified that I will use: chazaq (khaw-zak) and metsurah (mets-oo-raw). Some definitions of the word chazaq are: fasten upon, seize, to be strong, cure, help, repair, encourage, be established, prevail, withstand. Definitions for the word metsurah are: a rampart of protection, fenced city, and stronghold. Those are all some great definitions don't you think? One of the main themes in the Scriptures for us is to always be in Him, to be “established, rooted, built up” in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Ephesians 6:10 says, “be strong (fortified) in the Lord,” 2 Timothy 2:1 “be strong (fortified) in grace.” In Romans 4:20 Abraham was strengthened (fortified) in his faith/belief of Elohim’s (God) promise of offspring. We are also told in Romans 15:1 that “we who are strong (fortified) are called to bear the infirmity of the weak.” Are you getting the picture and theme here?

Everybody has probably at some time heard of the story of “three little pigs.” You know that “big bad wolf” was going around looking for whom he could devour (sound familiar?) and he went to the first two houses and blew them down because they were not made with anything that was solid or of good substance. They both of course ran to the house of the brother who knew about building a solid founded and fortified house. That wolf tried with everything he had to blow down (destroy) that fortified house but was unable to do it. The two who had no fortified stance/defense were protected by the one that did. They were in fear even in his fortified home because of what they had seen happen in their life situation, yet the “fortified” brother was not swayed by fear because he had faith in what he lived in because he knew what it was made of. A fortified spirit person is grounded in the faith because they know what it is made from. The enemy will come around just like that wolf seeking to steal (capture you and your faith), kill (murder your belief and stance) and destroy (end your relationship/connection to God). He will do a lot of huffing and puffing and will even try to use scare tactics, but when you are fortified all he can do is stay on the outside. But God always has a remnant that will not bow, will not be pressured and subdued in spirit, who will stand firm on His Word and their position in Him even in the face of death and will stand fortified and boldly. Didn’t the third pig bare the infirmity of his two brothers in their weakness of building a proper fortified home/lifestyle?

When you look at kingdoms and castles, the main thing that should always come to your mind first is the wall that is around it. That is known as a fortification or a fortress. Notice that it is usually massive as it has to cover the whole kingdom and castle. The walls are reinforced (fortified) and is usually made stronger than anything on the inside because of what its purpose and function is, which is safety and to be a defense. Fortified walls are meant to keep someone or something from just coming right in and taking, harming or doing what they want. Fortified walls are hard to breach and take down and throughout history you see how these fortified walls have been deterrents to many armies. Yes the walls could be climbed and possibly breached, but look at how much time, money and energy was used by those attempting to take the fortified wall. They were susceptible to arrows, spears, sniping, rocks; etc. and there were usually more casualties on the side of the breachers than there were those within the fortified walls.

Do you ever look at food items and see where it says that it has been fortified with certain vitamins and nutrients? What they are saying is, “yes it has vital things in it already but we are strengthening (fortifying) it to make it even better or more powerful to help your body and its health. What do you think the Word is? It is fortified food that gives you more powerful nourishment to fight off the sicknesses and disease of this world. There is a reason why the Word is considered “meat or food.” It has the vital “fortified” nutrients and vitamins that we need in our everyday lives, which is why we should “eat” of it daily.

Our spirit needs to be fortified to be able to stand and withstand the adversary and his minions and also against “that evil day” (Ephesians 6:13). We learn to fortify ourselves in the wrong way by putting up walls because of pains and disappointments and although that may keep some of the bad people out, it also sometimes keeps the Messiah out because your hurts cause you to refuse to let Him in. Also the other thing that that the fortified self does is it keeps the person in themselves. They become a prisoner in their own fortification. You need a fortified spirit that comes from being in Yahweh (God) instead of a fortified self. When we are chazaq (fortified) in the right spirit then we are encouraged, fastened, cured, repaired, established, able to withstand and strong in Elohim (God). In the Genesis account remember that God breathed His spirit into man, so you have Him inside of you, you just need to accept Him in there and fortify that spirit in Him….