I was ironing my shirt on Sunday morning and at that
moment I remembered something I have done a lot over the years. When I wore a
suit coat and was in a rush or even just wanting to be lazy, I would only iron
the front part of the dress shirt because that was all people would see, leaving
the back part wrinkled. My reasoning was that no one would see the back portion
because I would have my suit coat covering it and I would just leave the coat
on to hide what I basically did not do (iron the whole shirt). There are times
that the suit coat would get hot because of the element that I was in and I
would want to take off that suit coat but because I was trying to hide an
unfinished job (a shirt that was not fully ironed) I basically forced myself to
suffer an inconvenience that I wouldn’t have had too. My shame/embarrassment in
showing my inadequate decision/work kept me bound to hiding it thereby taking
away my freedom.
I didn’t iron my shirt completely because I chose to
wait until the last minute to prepare it. I at times knew what shirt I was
going to wear but instead of preparing it the night before, I waited until I
was literally running late to try to make provisions. My indecisiveness the day
before led to my inadequate decision later. The Holy Spirit convicted me and
showed me that we as Christians don’t plan ahead or prepare. Proverbs 24:27 says to “prepare thy work
without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house.”
I didn’t prepare my work (getting things ready early/making provisions) and
make it fit (suitable) for me to complete and be on time instead of rushing
last minute. I was building a figurative house of slothfulness on the
foundation of procrastination! How many of us being honest with ourselves are
like that? Doing just enough to get by but not doing to the fullness. Not presenting
ourselves the way that God calls for us to. We hide our spiritual wrinkles
behind our gifts, our worship, our ministry; etc. We don’t prepare ourselves to
be used by God daily, knowing that there is work for us to do daily. We wait
until the last minute to try and present our walk and relationship with Christ
but are bound by the shame/embarrassment of our inadequate decisions that we
can’t move freely and exposed in Jesus! In the parable of the “watching
servant,” In Luke 12:47, the servant
was beaten with many stripes because he knew
his lord’s will but did not prepare himself or do according to the will
of his lord. That is for us as Christians to see the need for preparation. We
have to always be prepared! Luke 12:36 says
“And ye yourselves like unto men that wait
for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and
knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.” People that are prepared can
open immediately, and those who aren’t will hesitate.
Wrinkles are shrivels. Who wants to be a shriveled
Christian? The Hebrew word quamat (kaw-mat)
means to pluck, i.e. destroy;--cut down, fill with wrinkles. Wrinkles destroy
the presentation of your attire. It cuts down your presentation/representation
of Jesus to the world. We have to stop giving wrinkled praise, wrinkled
offerings, wrinkled attitudes, wrinkled love; etc. Instead of hiding it, iron
it out! Ephesians 5:27 “that he might present it to himself a glorious church,
not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without